Forensic aspects of mass disasters: strategic considerations for DNA-based human identification

B Budowle, FR Bieber, AJ Eisenberg - Legal medicine, 2005 - Elsevier
Many mass disasters result in loss of lives. Law enforcement and/or public safety and health
officials often have the responsibility for identifying the human remains found at the scene …

Role of short tandem repeat DNA in forensic casework in the UK—past, present, and future perspectives

P Gill - Biotechniques, 2002 - Taylor & Francis
The analysis of short tandem repeat (STR) DNA sequences is of fundamental importance to
forensic science because they have become the recognized standard in constructing …

[PDF][PDF] Czarny łabędź

NN Taleb - Jak nieprzewidywalne zdarzenia rządzą naszym …, 2020 -
Od Yogiego Berry do Henriego Poincarégo Rozdział 10: SKANDAL PROGNOZOWANIA O
niesprecyzowanej liczbie kochanków carycy Katarzyny Powrót ślepoty na Czarne Łabędzie …

[图书][B] Черный лебедь

НН Талеб - 2023 -
За одно только последнее десятилетие человечество пережило ряд тяжелейших
катастроф, потрясений и катаклизмов, не укладывающихся в рамки самых …

[图书][B] Der Schwarze Schwan

NN Taleb - 2008 -
Der Schwarze Schwan Page 1 Nassim Nicholas Taleb Der Schwarze Schwan Die Macht
höchst unwahrscheinlicher Ereignisse Aus dem Amerikanischen von Ingrid Proß-Gill HANSER …

Evaluation of forensic DNA mixture evidence: protocol for evaluation, interpretation, and statistical calculations using the combined probability of inclusion

FR Bieber, JS Buckleton, B Budowle, JM Butler… - BMC genetics, 2016 - Springer
Background The evaluation and interpretation of forensic DNA mixture evidence faces
greater interpretational challenges due to increasingly complex mixture evidence. Such …

[图书][B] Il cigno nero. Come l'improbabile governa la nostra vita

NN Taleb - 2009 -
Page 1 Nassim Nicholas Taleb Il Cigno nero Come l'improbabile governa la nostra vita
ilSaggiatore S Tascabili Page 2 Page 3 Tascabili 77 Saggi Page 4 Page 5 Nassim Nicholas …

Emulating DNA: Rigorous quantification of evidential weight in transparent and testable forensic speaker recognition

J Gonzalez-Rodriguez, P Rose… - … on Audio, Speech …, 2007 -
Forensic DNA profiling is acknowledged as the model for a scientifically defensible
approach in forensic identification science, as it meets the most stringent court admissibility …

Mixture interpretation: defining the relevant features for guidelines for the assessment of mixed DNA profiles in forensic casework

B Budowle, AJ Onorato, TF Callaghan… - Journal of Forensic …, 2009 - Wiley Online Library
Currently in the United States there is little direction for what constitutes sufficient guidelines
for DNA mixture interpretation. While a standardized approach is not possible or desirable …

Recommendations for animal DNA forensic and identity testing

B Budowle, P Garofano, A Hellman, M Ketchum… - International Journal of …, 2005 - Springer
Genetic analysis in animals has been used for many applications, such as kinship analysis,
for determining the sire of an offspring when a female has been exposed to multiple males …