Voltage-gated proton channels and other proton transfer pathways

TE Decoursey - Physiological reviews, 2003 - journals.physiology.org
Proton channels exist in a wide variety of membrane proteins where they transport protons
rapidly and efficiently. Usually the proton pathway is formed mainly by water molecules …


JK Lanyi - Annu. Rev. Physiol., 2004 - annualreviews.org
▪ Abstract Fourier transform infrared and Raman spectroscopy, solid-state NMR, and X-ray
crystallography have contributed detailed information about the structural changes in the …

Identifying conformational changes with site-directed spin labeling

WL Hubbell, DS Cafiso, C Altenbach - Nature structural biology, 2000 - nature.com
Site-direct spin labeling combined with electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR)
spectroscopy is a powerful tool for detecting structural changes in proteins. This review …

[HTML][HTML] Filming biomolecular processes by high-speed atomic force microscopy

T Ando, T Uchihashi, S Scheuring - Chemical reviews, 2014 - ACS Publications
In the history of science and technology, researchers have always undertaken endeavors to
enhance the degree of “directness of measurement”. With “directness of measurement”, we …

Recent advances in site-directed spin labeling of proteins

WL Hubbell, A Gross, R Langen, MA Lietzow - Current opinion in structural …, 1998 - Elsevier
Site-directed spin labeling of proteins is experiencing a phase of rapid technical evolution,
application and evaluation. New strategies have been introduced for determining membrane …

The synaptic SNARE complex is a parallel four-stranded helical bundle

MA Poirier, W Xiao, JC Macosko, C Chan… - Nature structural …, 1998 - nature.com
The heterotrimeric synaptic soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein
receptor (SNARE) complex, consisting of the synaptic vesicle-associated membrane protein …

High-speed atomic force microscopy shows dynamic molecular processes in photoactivated bacteriorhodopsin

M Shibata, H Yamashita, T Uchihashi, H Kandori… - Nature …, 2010 - nature.com
Dynamic changes in protein conformation in response to external stimuli are important in
biological processes, but it has proved difficult to directly visualize such structural changes …

Structural changes in bacteriorhodopsin during ion transport at 2 angstrom resolution

H Luecke, B Schobert, HT Richter, JP Cartailler… - Science, 1999 - science.org
Crystal structures of the Asp96 to Asn mutant of the light-driven proton pump
bacteriorhodopsin and its M photointermediate produced by illumination at ambient …

Electron spin resonance in studies of membranes and proteins

PP Borbat, AJ Costa-Filho, KA Earle, JK Moscicki… - Science, 2001 - science.org
We provide a review of current electron spin resonance (ESR) techniques for studying basic
molecular mechanisms in membranes and proteins by using nitroxide spin labels. In …

Spin labeling EPR

JP Klare, HJ Steinhoff - Photosynthesis research, 2009 - Springer
Site-directed spin labeling in combination with electron paramagnetic resonance
spectroscopy has emerged as an efficient tool to elucidate the structure and conformational …