Vaebm: A symbiosis between variational autoencoders and energy-based models

Z Xiao, K Kreis, J Kautz, A Vahdat - arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.00654, 2020 -
Energy-based models (EBMs) have recently been successful in representing complex
distributions of small images. However, sampling from them requires expensive Markov …

Trajectory prediction with latent belief energy-based model

B Pang, T Zhao, X Xie, YN Wu - Proceedings of the IEEE …, 2021 -
Human trajectory prediction is critical for autonomous platforms like self-driving cars or
social robots. We present a latent belief energy-based model (LB-EBM) for diverse human …

Learning latent space energy-based prior model

B Pang, T Han, E Nijkamp, SC Zhu… - Advances in Neural …, 2020 -
We propose an energy-based model (EBM) in the latent space of a generator model, so that
the EBM serves as a prior model that stands on the top-down network of the generator …

Your GAN is secretly an energy-based model and you should use discriminator driven latent sampling

T Che, R Zhang, J Sohl-Dickstein… - Advances in …, 2020 -
We show that the sum of the implicit generator log-density $\log p_g $ of a GAN with the logit
score of the discriminator defines an energy function which yields the true data density when …

A contrastive learning approach for training variational autoencoder priors

J Aneja, A Schwing, J Kautz… - Advances in neural …, 2021 -
Variational autoencoders (VAEs) are one of the powerful likelihood-based generative
models with applications in many domains. However, they struggle to generate high-quality …

Learning energy-based models by diffusion recovery likelihood

R Gao, Y Song, B Poole, YN Wu, DP Kingma - arXiv preprint arXiv …, 2020 -
While energy-based models (EBMs) exhibit a number of desirable properties, training and
sampling on high-dimensional datasets remains challenging. Inspired by recent progress on …

Soft-introvae: Analyzing and improving the introspective variational autoencoder

T Daniel, A Tamar - … of the IEEE/CVF Conference on …, 2021 -
The recently introduced introspective variational autoencoder (IntroVAE) exhibits
outstanding image generations, and allows for amortized inference using an image encoder …

A tale of two flows: Cooperative learning of langevin flow and normalizing flow toward energy-based model

J Xie, Y Zhu, J Li, P Li - arXiv preprint arXiv:2205.06924, 2022 -
This paper studies the cooperative learning of two generative flow models, in which the two
models are iteratively updated based on the jointly synthesized examples. The first flow …

Learning joint latent space ebm prior model for multi-layer generator

J Cui, YN Wu, T Han - … of the IEEE/CVF Conference on …, 2023 -
This paper studies the fundamental problem of learning multi-layer generator models. The
multi-layer generator model builds multiple layers of latent variables as a prior model on top …

Energy-based models for anomaly detection: A manifold diffusion recovery approach

S Yoon, YU Jin, YK Noh, F Park - Advances in Neural …, 2023 -
We present a new method of training energy-based models (EBMs) for anomaly detection
that leverages low-dimensional structures within data. The proposed algorithm, Manifold …