Hedonic price indexes for residential housing: A survey, evaluation and taxonomy

RJ Hill - Journal of economic surveys, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
Every house is different. It is important that house price indexes take account of these quality
differences. Hedonic methods which express house prices as a function of a vector of …

Forecasting real estate prices

E Ghysels, A Plazzi, R Valkanov, W Torous - Handbook of economic …, 2013 - Elsevier
This chapter reviews the evidence of predictability in US residential and commercial real
estate markets. First, we highlight the main methodologies used in the construction of real …

Does energy efficiency matter to home-buyers? An investigation of EPC ratings and transaction prices in England

F Fuerst, P McAllister, A Nanda, P Wyatt - Energy Economics, 2015 - Elsevier
This paper investigates whether energy performance ratings, as measured by mandatory
Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs), are reflected in the sale prices of residential …

Spatial-difference-in-differences models for impact of new mass rapid transit line on private housing values

M Diao, D Leonard, TF Sing - Regional Science and Urban Economics, 2017 - Elsevier
This study uses the opening of the new Circle Line (CCL) in Singapore as a natural
experiment to test the effects of urban rail transit networks on non-landed private housing …

Do housing submarkets really matter?

SC Bourassa, M Hoesli, VS Peng - Journal of Housing Economics, 2003 - Elsevier
We maintain that the appropriate definition of submarkets depends on the use to which they
will be put. For mass appraisal purposes, submarkets should be defined so that the accuracy …

The long‐run relationship between house prices and rents

J Gallin - Real Estate Economics, 2008 - Wiley Online Library
I use standard error‐correction models and long‐horizon regression models to examine how
well the rent–price ratio predicts future changes in real rents and prices. I find evidence that …

A spatial difference-in-differences estimator to evaluate the effect of change in public mass transit systems on house prices

J Dubé, D Legros, M Thériault, F Des Rosiers - … Research Part B …, 2014 - Elsevier
Evaluating the impact of public mass transit systems on real-estate values is an important
application of the hedonic price model (HPM). Recently, a mathematical transformation of …

Are private markets and filtering a viable source of low-income housing? Estimates from a “repeat income” model

SS Rosenthal - American Economic Review, 2014 - aeaweb.org
While filtering has long been considered the primary mechanism by which markets supply
low-income housing, direct estimates of that process have been absent. This has contributed …

Risk and return characteristics of venture capital-backed entrepreneurial companies

A Korteweg, M Sorensen - The Review of Financial Studies, 2010 - academic.oup.com
Valuations of entrepreneurial companies are only observed occasionally, albeit more
frequently for well-performing companies. Consequently, estimators of risk and return must …

Controlling for the impact of variable liquidity in commercial real estate price indices

J Fisher, D Gatzlaff, D Geltner… - Real Estate …, 2003 - Wiley Online Library
Liquidity in private asset markets is notoriously variable over time. Therefore, indices of
changes in market value that are based on asset transaction prices will systematically reflect …