Rage against the machines: Explaining outcomes in counterinsurgency wars
J Lyall, I Wilson III - International Organization, 2009 - cambridge.org
During the nineteenth century, states routinely defeated insurgent foes. Over the twentieth
century, however, this pattern reversed itself, with states increasingly less likely to defeat …
century, however, this pattern reversed itself, with states increasingly less likely to defeat …
From mercenary to citizen armies: Explaining change in the practice of war
D Avant - International Organization, 2000 - cambridge.org
Mercenary armies went out of style in the nineteenth century; it became common sense that
armies should be staffed with citizens. I argue that even though realist explanations focusing …
armies should be staffed with citizens. I argue that even though realist explanations focusing …
Losing face and sinking costs: Experimental evidence on the judgment of political and military leaders
J Renshon - International Organization, 2015 - cambridge.org
Status has long been implicated as a critical value of states and leaders in international
politics. However, decades of research on the link between status and conflict have yielded …
politics. However, decades of research on the link between status and conflict have yielded …
Why buy American? The international politics of fighter jet transfers
When it comes to buying military aircraft, what leads states to prefer one supplier over the
other? This paper explores this question from the perspective of international relations …
other? This paper explores this question from the perspective of international relations …