Fashionably voluptuous: Normative femininity and resistant performative tactics in fatshion blogs
AA Harju, A Huovinen - Journal of Marketing Management, 2015 - Taylor & Francis
While research on consumer identity projects has begun to include marginalised
consumers, we nevertheless lack insight of the ways in which socio-historical …
consumers, we nevertheless lack insight of the ways in which socio-historical …
Changing urban identities on a discursive map
A Huovinen, E Timonen, T Leino, T Seppälä - City, Culture and Society, 2017 - Elsevier
In this article, we look at changing urban place identities in four neighbourhoods in the
Helsinki city area that are connected by the tram line number eight. The aim of our study is to …
Helsinki city area that are connected by the tram line number eight. The aim of our study is to …
On'being'online-Insights on contemporary articulations of the relational self
A Harju - 2017 -
One of the growing research interests in media and Internet studies concerns how the self is
constructed in the digital environment, while the complex relationship between the self and …
constructed in the digital environment, while the complex relationship between the self and …
'no smiling, please, ms Prime minister!': Constructing a female politician on the cover of a news magazine
A Huovinen, H Weselius - Catalan Journal of Communication …, 2015 -
This article examines the practices of constructing gender in the media by elaborating on
one specific journalistic work process: the cover photography of the Finnish Prime Minister …
one specific journalistic work process: the cover photography of the Finnish Prime Minister …
[图书][B] Gendering theory in marketing and consumer research
Gendering Theory in Marketing and Consumer Research Page 1 Gendering Theory in Marketing
and Consumer Research Edited by Zeynep Arsel, Kirsi Eräranta and Johanna Moisander …
and Consumer Research Edited by Zeynep Arsel, Kirsi Eräranta and Johanna Moisander …
[PDF][PDF] “European citizenship” and young people's democratic participation: a case study of Finland
M Lehto - Youth political participation, 2023 -
The societal debate about young people's participation since the start of the new millennium
has been mostly based on two premises. On one hand, there has been growing public …
has been mostly based on two premises. On one hand, there has been growing public …
[PDF][PDF] Vaaliterveisiä olohuoneesta: Kuntavaaliehdokkaiden viestintä Ylen vaaligallerian videoissa
N Uusitalo, N Hapuli, S Huhtala, I Kannisto… - Media & viestintä, 2017 -
Yleisradio lanseerasi kevään kuntavaalien alla vaaligallerian, jossa kuntavaaliehdokkaat
saivat julkaista omat vaalivideot. Yle mainosti galleriaa uudeksi, ainutlaatuiseksi tavaksi …
saivat julkaista omat vaalivideot. Yle mainosti galleriaa uudeksi, ainutlaatuiseksi tavaksi …
[PDF][PDF] Disentangling the Islamist and Secularist discourses in Turkey–Te headscarf question in the Te headscarf question in the articulation of hegemonic formations
P Ranna -
Th is dissertation enquires into the Islamist and secularist discourses in Turkey by examining
the headscarf debates. Th e debates on the headscarf are perceived as a way through …
the headscarf debates. Th e debates on the headscarf are perceived as a way through …
[PDF][PDF] Tiivistelmä–Referat–Abstract Tutkielma käsittelee 1990-luvun alun parlamentaarista pakolaisretoriikkaa. Työssä selvitetään, miten pakolaisista ja …
ME Lounela -
Aineistoa käsitellään niin laadullisin kuin määrällisinkin menetelmin. Tutkielman
ensimmäinen analyysiosa keskittyy määrälliseen tarkasteluun ja sen selvittämiseen, miten …
ensimmäinen analyysiosa keskittyy määrälliseen tarkasteluun ja sen selvittämiseen, miten …