NorthEuraLex: A wide-coverage lexical database of Northern Eurasia

J Dellert, T Daneyko, A Münch, A Ladygina… - Language resources …, 2020 - Springer
This article describes the first release version of a new lexicostatistical database of Northern
Eurasia, which includes Europe as the most well-researched linguistic area. Unlike in other …

Phonotactic complexity and its trade-offs

T Pimentel, B Roark, R Cotterell - Transactions of the Association for …, 2020 -
We present methods for calculating a measure of phonotactic complexity—bits per phoneme—
that permits a straightforward cross-linguistic comparison. When given a word, represented …

[图书][B] Information-theoretic causal inference of lexical flow

J Dellert - 2019 -
This volume seeks to infer large phylogenetic networks from phonetically encoded lexical
data and contribute in this way to the historical study of language varieties. The technical …

[PDF][PDF] Uralic and its neighbors as a test case for a lexical flow model of language contact

J Dellert - Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Uralic …, 2015 -
Abstract is paper introduces a new method for inducing a language contact model from
lexical data. Based on sets of etymologically related words which can be either automatically …

An approach to cross-concept cognacy identification

J Wahle - 2016 -
It is a well known phenomenon in historical linguistics, that the meaning of a proto form is
different to the meaning of its descendants. This phenomenon of meaning change is often …

[PDF][PDF] Current Trends: Lexicostatistical Databases

J Dellert -
Lexicostatistics: Phylogenetic Inference• do not assume constant rate of lexical replacement•
find a tree with optimal structure and replacement rates at each branch (or even better …

[PDF][PDF] Data in computational historical linguistics

G Jäger - 2016 -
Background Background comparative method strongly focuses on two types of data:
morphological paradigms regular sound correspondences both are not very suitable for …

[PDF][PDF] Uralic and its Neighbors as a Test Case for a Leffiical Flofl Model of Langffage Contact

J Dellert - Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Uralic …, 2015 -
Abstract is paper introdffces a nefl method for indffcing a langffage contact model from
leffiical data. Based on sets of etymologically related flords flhich can be either afftomatically …

[引用][C] Reconstructing language ancestry by performing word prediction

P Dekker - Workshop Phylogenetic methods in historical …, 2017