Unified Modeling of the TiltRotor Aeroelastic Stability Testbed for Proprotor Whirl Flutter

H Yeo, H Kang, AR Kreshock - Journal of Aircraft, 2023 - arc.aiaa.org
The present paper studies whirl flutter stability of the TiltRotor Aeroelastic Stability Testbed
(TRAST) using the comprehensive analysis code Rotorcraft Comprehensive Analysis …

Whirl flutter investigation of hingeless proprotors

H Yeo, AR Kreshock - Journal of Aircraft, 2020 - arc.aiaa.org
Hingeless proprotor whirl flutter in cruise flight is investigated using comprehensive rotorcraft
analysis codes CAMRAD II and RCAS. Generic hingeless proprotor designs include …

Global singularity-free aerodynamic model for algorithmic flight control of tail sitters

LR Lustosa, F Defaÿ, JM Moschetta - Journal of Guidance, Control, and …, 2019 - arc.aiaa.org
This paper addresses fundamental issues in tail-sitting and transition flight aerodynamics
modeling in view of sum-of-squares (SOS) algorithmic guidance and control design. A novel …

Parametric Study of Propeller Whirl Flutter Stability with Full-Span Model of X-57 Maxwell Aircraft

CB Hoover, J Shen - Journal of aircraft, 2018 - arc.aiaa.org
NASA is developing an experimental all-electric aircraft that is quieter, lighter, more efficient,
and more environmentally friendly than current turboprop aircraft [1]. The experimental …

Propeller whirl flutter stability and its influence on X-57 aircraft design

CB Hoover, J Shen, AR Kreshock - Journal of Aircraft, 2018 - arc.aiaa.org
THIS Note examines the propeller whirl flutter stability of the NASA experimental electric
propulsion aircraft, designated the X-57 Maxwell [1]. This aircraft is designed to be quieter …

Time-Domain Aeroelastic Stability Predictions of a Semi-Span Tiltrotor

E Corle - 2020 - search.proquest.com
The tiltrotor configuration offers the ability to combine vertical flight with high speed, efficient
cruise performance. With proprotors close to the wing tip, the reconfigurable vehicle can …

Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Whirl Flutter Characteristics in a Small-Scale Demonstrator

GM Gagliardi, AD Marano, F Marulo - Journal of Aerospace …, 2022 - ascelibrary.org
This paper summarizes the activities performed for improving the understanding of the whirl
flutter instability and its most sensitive parameters. Clearance from such aeroelastic …

Whirl flutter analysis of a free-flying electric-driven propeller aircraft

CB Hoover, J Shen - Journal of Aircraft, 2019 - arc.aiaa.org
THIS paper examines the whirl flutter stability of the NASA all-electric experimental aircraft,
the X-57 Maxwell, in free flying [1]. The X-57 is the latest iteration of the Scalable Convergent …

Multi-Propeller Whirl Flutter Stability Study Using Component Mode Synthesis Element

KJ Nelson, J Shen - AIAA SCITECH 2023 Forum, 2023 - arc.aiaa.org
View Video Presentation: https://doi. org/10.2514/6.2023-1509. vid This paper presents the
propeller whirl flutter stability of the NASA X-57 Maxwell aircraft using a multibody dynamics …

[图书][B] Propeller whirl flutter analysis of the nasa all-electric X-57 through multibody dynamics simulations

CB Hoover - 2018 - search.proquest.com
With ridesharing companies researching into intracity air vehicles, aircraft efficiency has a
significant impact on cost and resources. To increase efficiency, thinner and higher aspect …