DT2F-TLNet: A novel text-independent writer identification and verification model using a combination of deep type-2 fuzzy architecture and Transfer Learning …
Identifying and verifying the identity of people based on scanned images of handwritten
documents is an applicable biometric modality with applications in forensic and historic …
documents is an applicable biometric modality with applications in forensic and historic …
[PDF][PDF] Dt2f-Tlnet: A Novel Text-Independent Writer Identification Model Using a Combination of Deep Type-2 Fuzzy Architecture and Transfer Learning Networks …
J Yang, M Shokouhifar, PL Yee, A Ayub Khan… - Available at SSRN … - papers.ssrn.com
Identifying and verifying the identity of people based on scanned images of handwritten
documents is an applicable biometric modality with applications in forensic and historic …
documents is an applicable biometric modality with applications in forensic and historic …
Damage detection of offshore jacket structure using dynamic responses based on simulated model, intact state of real model and deep auto-encoder neural network
Since the maintenance and repairing costs of mechanical systems, such as structures and
rotating machines are significantly high, one way to reduce these costs is to consider some …
rotating machines are significantly high, one way to reduce these costs is to consider some …