Invisibility and cloaking: Origins, present, and future perspectives

R Fleury, F Monticone, A Alù - Physical Review Applied, 2015 - APS
The development of metamaterials, ie, artificially structured materials that interact with waves
in unconventional ways, has revolutionized our ability to manipulate the propagation of …

Experimental Realization of a Superdispersion‐Enabled Ultrabroadband Terahertz Cloak

T Cai, B Zheng, J Lou, L Shen, Y Yang… - Advanced …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Invisibility has been a topic of long‐standing interest owing to the advent of metamaterials
and transformation optics, but still faces open challenges after its tremendous development …

[PDF][PDF] Full‐polarization 3D metasurface cloak with preserved amplitude and phase

Y Yang, L Jing, B Zheng, R Hao, W Yin, E Li… - Advanced …, 2016 -
DOI: 10.1002/adma. 201600625 unchanged and altering the impedance. A remarkable
example of this method is a nonmagnetic approximation, where only the relative permittivity …

Ultrathin three-dimensional thermal cloak

H Xu, X Shi, F Gao, H Sun, B Zhang - Physical Review Letters, 2014 - APS
We report the first experimental realization of a three-dimensional thermal cloak shielding an
air bubble in a bulk metal without disturbing the external conductive thermal flux. The cloak …

A full-parameter unidirectional metamaterial cloak for microwaves

N Landy, DR Smith - Nature materials, 2013 -
Invisibility is a notion that has long captivated the popular imagination. However, in 2006,
invisibility became a practical matter for the scientific community as well, with the suggestion …

Conformal transformation optics

L Xu, H Chen - Nature Photonics, 2015 -
The field of transformation optics shows that media containing gradients in optical properties
are equivalent to curved geometries of spacetime for the propagation of light. Conformal …

Macroscopic invisibility cloaking of visible light

X Chen, Y Luo, J Zhang, K Jiang, JB Pendry… - Nature …, 2011 -
Invisibility cloaks, which used to be confined to the realm of fiction, have now been turned
into a scientific reality thanks to the enabling theoretical tools of transformation optics and …

Macroscopic invisibility cloak for visible light

B Zhang, Y Luo, X Liu, G Barbastathis - Physical Review Letters, 2011 - APS
Invisibility cloaks, a subject that usually occurs in science fiction and myths, have attracted
wide interest recently because of their possible realization. The biggest challenge to true …

[HTML][HTML] A metasurface carpet cloak for electromagnetic, acoustic and water waves

Y Yang, H Wang, F Yu, Z Xu, H Chen - Scientific reports, 2016 -
We propose a single low-profile skin metasurface carpet cloak to hide objects with arbitrary
shape and size under three different waves, ie, electromagnetic (EM) waves, acoustic waves …

Homogeneous thermal cloak with constant conductivity and tunable heat localization

T Han, T Yuan, B Li, CW Qiu - Scientific reports, 2013 -
Invisible cloak has long captivated the popular conjecture and attracted intensive research
in various communities of wave dynamics, eg, optics, electromagnetics, acoustics, etc …