Towards complete polyphonic music transcription: Integrating multi-pitch detection and rhythm quantization

E Nakamura, E Benetos, K Yoshii… - 2018 IEEE International …, 2018 -
Most work on automatic transcription produces “piano roll” data with no musical
interpretation of the rhythm or pitches. We present a polyphonic transcription method that …

Non-local musical statistics as guides for audio-to-score piano transcription

K Shibata, E Nakamura, K Yoshii - Information Sciences, 2021 - Elsevier
We present an automatic piano transcription system that converts polyphonic audio
recordings into musical scores. This has been a long-standing problem of music information …

Automatic singing transcription based on encoder-decoder recurrent neural networks with a weakly-supervised attention mechanism

R Nishikimi, E Nakamura, S Fukayama… - ICASSP 2019-2019 …, 2019 -
This paper describes neural singing transcription that estimates a sequence of musical
notes directly from the audio signal of singing voice in an end-to-end manner without time …

Rhythm transcription of polyphonic piano music based on merged-output HMM for multiple voices

E Nakamura, K Yoshii… - IEEE/ACM Transactions …, 2017 -
In a recent conference paper, we have reported a rhythm transcription method based on a
merged-output hidden Markov model (HMM) that explicitly describes the multiple-voice …

Audio-to-score singing transcription based on a CRNN-HSMM hybrid model

R Nishikimi, E Nakamura, M Goto… - APSIPA Transactions on …, 2021 -
This paper describes an automatic singing transcription (AST) method that estimates a
human-readable musical score of a sung melody from an input music signal. Because of the …

Bayesian singing transcription based on a hierarchical generative model of keys, musical notes, and f0 trajectories

R Nishikimi, E Nakamura, M Goto… - … on Audio, Speech …, 2020 -
This article describes automatic singing transcription (AST) that estimates a human-readable
musical score of a sung melody represented with quantized pitches and durations from a …

Unsupervised melody style conversion

E Nakamura, K Shibata, R Nishikimi… - ICASSP 2019-2019 …, 2019 -
We study a method for converting the music style of a given melody to a target style (eg from
classical music style to pop music style) based on unsupervised statistical learning …

End-to-end melody note transcription based on a beat-synchronous attention mechanism

R Nishikimi, E Nakamura, M Goto… - 2019 IEEE Workshop on …, 2019 -
This paper describes an end-to-end audio-to-symbolic singing transcription method for
mixtures of vocal and accompaniment parts. Given audio signals with non-aligned melody …

Bayesian melody harmonization based on a tree-structured generative model of chord sequences and melodies

H Tsushima, E Nakamura… - IEEE/ACM Transactions on …, 2020 -
This article describes a melody harmonization method that generates a sequence of chords
(symbols and onset positions) for a given melody (a sequence of musical notes). A typical …

Note value recognition for piano transcription using markov random fields

E Nakamura, K Yoshii, S Dixon - IEEE/ACM Transactions on …, 2017 -
This paper presents a statistical method for use in music transcription that can estimate
score times of note onsets and offsets from polyphonic MIDI performance signals. Because …