A user-centric adaptive learning system for e-learning 2.0

SL Huang, JH Shiu - Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 2012 - JSTOR
The success of Web 2.0 inspires e-learning to evolve into e-learning 2.0, which exploits
collective intelligence to achieve user-centric learning. However, searching for suitable …

QoL guaranteed adaptation and personalization in e-learning systems

HI Liu, MN Yang - IEEE Transactions on Education, 2005 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This paper investigates the problem of adaptation and personalization in e-learning
systems. A new metric-QoL (Quality of Learning)-is recommended for e-learning systems to …

[PDF][PDF] Critical Success Factors for the Development of Mobile Learning Applications.

K Papanikolaou, S Mavromoustakos - EuroIMSA, 2006 - academia.edu
The importance and acceptance of M-Learning systems by both students and faculty is
becoming increasingly important. The advantages offered by such systems such as …

[PDF][PDF] Assessing and prioritizing affecting factors in e-learning websites using AHP method and fuzzy approach

M Nilashi, N Janahmadi - Inform. Knowl. Manage, 2012 - academia.edu
The evolution of information technologies has caused to the growth in online training as an
important education method. Assessment of the quality of e-learning has become a strategic …

[PDF][PDF] E-Learning: Investigating university student s acceptance of technology

MLL Jung, K Loria, RMP Saha - … Journal of Open, Distance and e …, 2008 - researchgate.net
In today's information society, knowledge and know-how are some of our most valuable
assets, setting the education sector under pressure to deliver according to demand. Major …

[PDF][PDF] Aceptación y uso de los sistemas e-learning por estudiantes de grado de ecuador: El caso de una universidad estatal

R Ramirez-Anormaliza, F Sabaté, X Llinàs-Audet… - Intangible …, 2017 - redalyc.org
Objeto: El objetivo de esta investigación fue adaptar el Modelo de Aceptación de la
Tecnología (TAM) para predecir el uso y la intención de uso de los sistemas e-learning …

Evaluating student acceptance level of e-learning systems

RI Ramírez Anormaliza… - … 16th-18th, 2015 …, 2015 - upcommons.upc.edu
The e-learning information systems are widely used in universities to improve their courses,
although this does not always achieve the objective of facilitating the teaching-learning …

The acceptance and use of the e-learning systems among the university teachers in Ecuador

RI Ramírez Anormaliza… - EDULEARN16 …, 2016 - upcommons.upc.edu
The success of an e-learning system depends largely on the acceptance and use that
teachers give this tool. After critically evaluate models of technology adoption, including the …

Critical success factors in crafting strategic architecture for e‐learning at HP University

K Sharma, P Pandit, P Pandit - International Journal of Educational …, 2011 - emerald.com
Purpose–The purpose of this paper is to outline the critical success factors for crafting a
strategic architecture for e‐learning at HP University. Design/methodology/approach–A …

Acceptance and use of e-learning systems by undergraduate students of Ecuador: The case of a state university

R Ramirez-Anormaliza, F Sabaté… - Intangible …, 2017 - intangiblecapital.org
Objeto: El objetivo de esta investigación fue adaptar el Modelo de Aceptación de la
Tecnología (TAM) para predecir el uso y la intención de uso de los sistemas e-learning …