Dangers and opportunities: a conceptual map of information literacy assessment approaches

M Oakleaf - portal: Libraries and the Academy, 2008 - muse.jhu.edu
The culture of assessment in higher education requires academic librarians to demonstrate
the impact of information literacy instruction on student learning. As a result, many librarians …

Are they learning? Are we? Learning outcomes and the academic library

M Oakleaf - The Library Quarterly, 2011 - journals.uchicago.edu
Since the 1990s, the assessment of learning outcomes in academic libraries has
accelerated rapidly, and librarians have come to recognize the necessity of articulating and …

Learning outcomes, portfolios, and rubrics, oh my! Authentic assessment of an information literacy program

KR Diller, SF Phelps - portal: Libraries and the Academy, 2008 - muse.jhu.edu
Abstract Librarians at Washington State University Vancouver helped the campus develop a
method of assessing its General Education Program, a program based on university …

Degrees of impact: Analyzing the effects of progressive librarian course collaborations on student performance

C Booth, MS Lowe, N Tagge, SM Stone - College & Research Libraries, 2015 - crl.acrl.org
Abstract The Claremont Colleges Library conducted direct rubric assessment of Pitzer
College First-Year Seminar research papers to analyze the impact of diverse levels of …

A faculty–librarian collaboration for developing information literacy skills among preservice teachers

DM Floyd, G Colvin, Y Bodur - Teaching and Teacher Education, 2008 - Elsevier
Preservice teachers enrolled in the first portion of an undergraduate education program at
the Florida State University were assigned to develop case studies based on their …

They can find it, but they don't know what to do with it: Describing the use of scholarly literature by undergraduate students.

S Rosenblatt - Journal of information literacy, 2010 - search.ebscohost.com
This article discusses a two-part research study. In the first part, the impact of a library
instruction (LI) session on the quality of sources cited by upper-division undergraduate …

Library instruction and themed composition courses: an investigation of factors that impact student learning

EE Rinto, EI Cogbill-Seiders - The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 2015 - Elsevier
Many academic libraries partner with English composition in order to teach first year
students skills related to academic research and writing. Due to the partnership between …

Impacting information literacy learning in first-year seminars: A rubric-based evaluation

MS Lowe, C Booth, S Stone, N Tagge - portal: Libraries and the …, 2015 - muse.jhu.edu
The authors conducted a rubric assessment of information literacy (IL) skills in research
papers across five undergraduate first-year seminar programs to explore the question “What …

La evaluación de la alfabetización informacional. Principios, metodologías y retos.

JL de Arenas - Anales de documentación, 2007 - revistas.um.es
La evaluación de la alfabetización informacional (ALFIN) es obligada cuando se trata de
mejorar programas, utilizar las evidencias recabadas con fines administrativos o tomar …

Improving information-seeking behavior among business majors

CM Long, MM Shrikhande - Research Strategies, 2005 - Elsevier
The current generation of college students has used the Internet to access information since
the early 1990s. No assessment of information use, quality, variety, and reliability of …