
柴如山, 程启鹏, 陈翔, 罗来超, 马超… - Transactions of the …, 2021 - search.ebscohost.com
安徽省是国家重要商品粮生产基地, 作为农业大省其粮食作物秸秆产量居于全国前列.
明晰全省产粮大县主要粮食作物秸秆理论资源量和可收集资源量时空分布特征 …


张倩, 徐春燕, 张铎, 王亚会, 梁新盈, 李慧 - 生物技术通报, 2022 - biotech.aiijournal.com
作物秸秆在黏板土壤中腐解慢, 严重制约其培肥改土效果, 从黏板酸化黄褐土中筛选土著玉米
秸秆高效腐解菌株, 可弥补外源腐解菌土壤定殖能力弱, 腐解效果差及作物生长不良等问题 …

Isolation of Maize Straw-decomposing Bacteria in Yellow-cinnamon Soil and Its Ability of Promoting Decomposition

Q ZHANG, C XU, D ZHANG, Y WANG… - Biotechnology …, 2022 - biotech.aiijournal.com
The slow decomposition rate of crop straw largely limits its effect on soil fertility and soil
structure improvement. Isolation of efficient native maize straw-decomposing bacteria from …