[图书][B] Equity home bias in international finance: A place-attachment perspective

K Ardalan - 2019 - taylorfrancis.com
This book provides a comprehensive and critical analysis of research outcomes on the
equity home bias puzzle–that people overinvest in domestic stocks relative to the …

[图书][B] Uwarunkowania rozwoju lokalnego na obszarach przygranicznych

S Sitek - 2016 - ceeol.com
Historia ludzkości wiąże się permanentnymi zmianami, których celem ma być poprawa bytu
człowieka. Ciągłe poszukiwanie lepszego, bardziej doskonałego rozwiązania kieruje nas na …

Italian wines in China's e-commerce market: Focus on piedmont region products

A Dal Vecchio, S Massaglia, VM Merlino… - Italian journal of food …, 2018 - itjfs.com
In this study an analysis was conducted on the market performance of Italian wines, in
particular from Piedmont region, and consumer preference in the Chinese e-commerce …

[DOC][DOC] Growth of Non-bank Trade Finance

S Bhatia - Advances in Research, 2017 - researchgate.net
The rise of non-bank trade finance has been especially noticeable in the last decade. Many
commodity and e-commerce companies are rapidly entering this arena as sovereign …

[PDF][PDF] E-commerce e competitività del vino italiano in Cina: focus sui punti di forza del vino piemontese nel mercato internazionale.

S Massaglia, D Borra, M Hao, V Merlino - INDUSTRIE DELLE …, 2019 - iris.unito.it
• SUMMARY In this study an analysis was made of the progress on the market of Italian
wines in Chinese e-commerce, focusing attention on the sales of the most important …