[HTML][HTML] The impact of transnationalization on the global consumer market
T Kniazieva, A Shevchenko, H Radchenko… - Baltic Journal of …, 2021 - cyberleninka.ru
The study found that globalization has no effect on the content of monopoly capital, which
has changed its form because of the existence of the process of transnationalization. The …
has changed its form because of the existence of the process of transnationalization. The …
Pengaruh Hambatan Tarif dan SPS pada Perdagangan Pertanian Indonesia dengan Negara G-20
Pemerintah berupaya meningkatkan kinerja neraca perdagangan internasional Indonesia,
salah satunya dari sektor pertanian ke negara anggota G-20. Upaya tersebut tidak mudah …
salah satunya dari sektor pertanian ke negara anggota G-20. Upaya tersebut tidak mudah …
[PDF][PDF] Estimation of Ukraine's foreign trade structure in order to determine the areas of export potential
N Dekhtyar, O Mazorenko… - Innovative …, 2018 - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
Now there is no single approach to the planning of normative indicators of the foreign trade
structure and the optimization of foreign economic operations, including marketing mix …
structure and the optimization of foreign economic operations, including marketing mix …
Foreign investor ́s rights, investment promotion and facilitation agencies: a developmental and sustainable visión
L Stanley - 2020 - repositorio.cedes.org
Fifty years ago, the role of foreign investors was at the center of the political debate, with host
state-investors disputes showing a geographical North-Southth pattern. The end of the ISI …
state-investors disputes showing a geographical North-Southth pattern. The end of the ISI …
Beyond COVID-19: women entrepreneurs and e-commerce policy in the Asia-Pacific
P Braun, N Birdthistle, A Flynn - Women's Entrepreneurship Policy, 2023 - elgaronline.com
The beginning of 2020 catapulted the world into an unprecedented health crisis not
experienced since World War II, changing the way we live, work and consume goods. The …
experienced since World War II, changing the way we live, work and consume goods. The …
[PDF][PDF] Князєва ТВ
АВ Шевченко - СИСТЕМНОГО ПІДХОДУ В ЕКОНОМІЦІ, 2020 - psae-jrnl.nau.in.ua
В статье рассмотрены направления преодоления негативных последствий влияния
транснациональных корпораций на внутренний потребительский рынок, обеспечения …
транснациональных корпораций на внутренний потребительский рынок, обеспечения …
Організаційно-економічні заходи зовнішньоекономічного регулювання захисту споживчого ринку України
АВ Шевченко, ТВ Князєва - 2020 - dspace.nau.edu.ua
У статті розглянуто напрями подолання негативних наслідків впливу
транснаціональних корпорацій на внутрішній споживчий ринок, забезпечення …
транснаціональних корпорацій на внутрішній споживчий ринок, забезпечення …
Economic integration in the emergent global landscape: An argument for Asian integration
P Kumar, J Tripathi - Economic Integration in Asia, 2019 - taylorfrancis.com
This chapter discusses the over-dependence of the global south on markets in the global
north. It explains the issues that the tide of protectionism in these countries and the potential …
north. It explains the issues that the tide of protectionism in these countries and the potential …
[引用][C] 11 Economic integration in the emergent global landscape
P Kumar, J Tripathi - Economic Integration in Asia: Key Prospects and …, 2019 - Routledge