Scaffolding Self-regulated Learning in Game-Based Learning Environments Based on Complex Systems Theory

DA Dever, R Azevedo - … Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, 2022 - Springer
Several studies have attempted to capture and analyze the intersect of self-regulated
learning (SRL) behaviors and agency (ie, control over one's own actions) during game …

Pengembangan E-Poster sebagai Media Alternatif dalam Meningkatkan Keterampilan Berpikir Kreatif: Systematic Literatur Review

AIH Harahap, R Vebrianto - Milenial: Journal for Teachers …, 2023 -
This research was conducted in order to see and map previous research related to e-posters
as an alternative media in improving creative thinking skills. The purpose of this study is to …

Pemanfaatan SmartBook Digital berbasis Qr-Code pada Dampak Pencemaran Limbah Minyak Bumi Laut untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Berfikir Kritis Siswa

IA Gafur, M Dahlia, PNM Lisa - Bedelau: Journal of Education …, 2023 -
Instrument development was conducted to perform practicality testing on the questionnaire
to determine its validity and reliability. This survey study involved 38 students. Data …