Proving ML type soundness within Coq

C Dubois - International Conference on Theorem Proving in …, 2000 - Springer
We verify within the Coq proof assistant that ML typing is sound with respect to the dynamic
semantics. We prove this property in the framework of a big step semantics and also in the …

[PDF][PDF] Proving type soundness of a simply typed ML-like language with references

O Boite, C Dubois - Supplemental Proceedings of TPHOL, 2001 -
In this paper, we formalize in the Coq proof assistant an ML-like language with imperative
features, a monomorphic type system, a reduction semantics, and the type soundness. We …

Memory management: An abstract formulation of incremental tracing

H Goguen, R Brooksby, R Burstall - … '99 Lökeberg, Sweden, June 12–16 …, 2000 - Springer
We present an abstract model of computer memory, in the form of directed, labeled graphs
with simple transitions corresponding to valid memory operations. We also introduce a …

Formalising formulas-as-types-as-objects

Q Haiyan - International Workshop on Types for Proofs and …, 1999 - Springer
We describe a formalisation of the Curry-Howard-Lawvere correspondence between the
natural deduction system for minimal logic, the typed lambda calculus and Cartesian closed …

[PDF][PDF] Une aidea la réutilisation de preuves formelles

MJF Monin - 2005 -
Les méthodes formelles sont le plus souvent utilisées pour valider un cahier des charges ou
vérifier des propriétés, en particulier de sécurité. Elles sont aujourd'hui essentiellement …

[引用][C] Formulas-as-Types-as-Objects

Q Haiyan