[图书][B] Routledge international handbook of ignorance studies

M Gross, L McGoey - 2015 - api.taylorfrancis.com
Names: Gross, Matthias, 1969–editor.| McGoey, Linsey, editor. Title: Routledge international
handbook of ignorance studies/edited by Matthias Gross and Linsey McGoey. Description …

Decision‐making in committees

L Hao, W Suen - … Journal of Economics/Revue canadienne d' …, 2009 - Wiley Online Library
This article reviews recent developments in the theory of committee decision‐making. A
committee consists of self‐interested members who make a public decision by aggregating …

[HTML][HTML] Transparency and trust in government. Evidence from a survey experiment

M Alessandro, BC Lagomarsino, C Scartascini… - World Development, 2021 - Elsevier
Does providing information improve citizens' perception of government transparency? Does
all information matter the same for shaping perceptions about the government? This article …

A test for the rational ignorance hypothesis: Evidence from a natural experiment in Brazil

FL Lopez de Leon, R Rizzi - American Economic Journal: Economic …, 2014 - aeaweb.org
This paper tests the rational ignorance hypothesis by Downs (1957). This theory predicts
that people do not acquire costly information to educate their votes. We provide new …

Aggregating information by voting: The wisdom of the experts versus the wisdom of the masses

JC McMurray - Review of Economic Studies, 2013 - academic.oup.com
This article analyzes participation and information aggregation in a common-value election
with continuous private signals. In equilibrium, some citizens ignore their private information …

Experimental tests of public support for disability policy

S Timmons, E Carroll, F McGinnity - 2023 - econstor.eu
Despite the right of disabled people to full social and economic inclusion, many face multiple
day-to-day and systemic challenges. These include but are not limited to additional …

A resurrection of the Condorcet Jury Theorem

Y Koriyama, B Szentes - Theoretical Economics, 2009 - econtheory.org
This paper analyzes the optimal size of a deliberating committee where (i) there is no conflict
of interest among individuals and (ii) information acquisition is costly. The committee …

Get rid of unanimity rule: The superiority of majority rules with veto power

L Bouton, A Llorente-Saguer… - Journal of Political …, 2018 - journals.uchicago.edu
We study unanimous decision making under incomplete information. We argue that
unanimous decision rules are not all equivalent. We show that majority rules with veto power …

Voting with endogenous information acquisition: Experimental evidence

S Bhattacharya, J Duffy, ST Kim - Games and Economic Behavior, 2017 - Elsevier
The Condorcet jury model with costless but informative signals about the true state of the
world predicts that the efficiency of group decision-making increases unambiguously with …

Ignorance and bias in collective decisions

A Elbittar, A Gomberg, C Martinelli… - Journal of Economic …, 2020 - Elsevier
We study theoretically and experimentally committee decision making with common
interests. Committee members do not know which of two alternatives is optimal, but each …