Underwater acoustic wireless sensor networks: advances and future trends in physical, MAC and routing layers

S Climent, A Sanchez, JV Capella, N Meratnia… - Sensors, 2014 - mdpi.com
This survey aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the current research on
underwater wireless sensor networks, focusing on the lower layers of the communication …

A low cost and high efficient acoustic modem for underwater sensor networks

A Sánchez, S Blanc, P Yuste… - OCEANS 2011 IEEE …, 2011 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Underwater wireless sensor Networks (UWSN) will provide a variety of attractive working
fields such as aquaculture, offshore exploitation, biological monitoring as well as water and …

An ultra-low power and flexible acoustic modem design to develop energy-efficient underwater sensor networks

A Sánchez, S Blanc, P Yuste, A Perles, JJ Serrano - Sensors, 2012 - mdpi.com
This paper is focused on the description of the physical layer of a new acoustic modem
called ITACA. The modem architecture includes as a major novelty an ultra-low power …

Dolphin sounds-inspired covert underwater acoustic communication and micro-modem

G Qiao, Y Zhao, S Liu, M Bilal - Sensors, 2017 - mdpi.com
A novel portable underwater acoustic modem is proposed in this paper for covert
communication between divers or underwater unmanned vehicles (UUVs) and divers at a …

RFID based acoustic wake-up system for underwater sensor networks

A Sánchez, S Blanc, P Yuste… - 2011 IEEE Eighth …, 2011 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This paper presents a new Acoustic-Triggered Wake-Up system specially useful to
Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks built with low-power consumption architectures. The …

Raptex: Rapid prototyping tool for embedded communication systems

JB Lim, B Jang, S Yoon, ML Sichitiu… - ACM Transactions on …, 2010 - dl.acm.org
Advances in microprocessors, memory, and radio technology have enabled the emergence
of embedded systems that rely on communication systems to exchange information and …

Advanced acoustic wake-up system for underwater sensor networks

AM Sánchez Matías, S Blanc Clavero… - … in information science …, 2012 - riunet.upv.es
[EN] This paper presents a low-cost and low-power consumption asynchronous Wake-Up
(WU) development to Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks (UWSN). An asynchronous WU …

Scuba tank air pressure monitor system

MR Kleinigger - US Patent 10,358,199, 2019 - Google Patents
A scuba tank pressure monitor system comprises a scuba tank pod and a wearable
electronic device. The scuba tank pod includes an air pressure detector, a first transducer …

An acoustic modem featuring a multi-receiver and ultra-low power

AM Sánchez Matías, S Blanc Clavero… - Circuits and …, 2015 - riunet.upv.es
[EN] Wireless technology for underwater communication possesses a wide range of
potential application, but it is still a relatively unexplored area in many aspects concerning …

Wearable electronic device for detecting diver respiration

PE Earl - US Patent 10,611,445, 2020 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A wearable electronic device for detecting diver respiration comprises a
transducer element and a processing element. The transducer element is configured to …