Population growth and production of Habrotrocha rosa Donner (Rotifera: Bdelloidea) and its contribution to the nutrient supply of its host, the northern pitcher plant …

LA Błedzki, AM Ellison - Hydrobiologia, 1998 - Springer
The population growth and biomass production of the pitcher-plant (Sarracenia purpurea L.)
inquiline, Habrotocha rosa Donner (Rotifera: Bdelloidea), its consumption by other pitcher …

Zooplankton of the lower Vistula River: the effect of Włocławek Dam Reservoir (Poland) on community structure

P Napiórkowski, A Kentzer… - … für theoretische und …, 2006 - Taylor & Francis
The aim ofthis study was to answer whether and to what degree the superrheolimnic
Wlodawek Dam Reservoir (WDR) affects and changes the species structure. number and …

[PDF][PDF] Ecology of rotifers and their unappreciated source of nitrogen and phosphorus in temperate northeastern American bogs

LA Błędzki, JL Bubier, AM Ellison… - Fundam. Appl …, 2018 - harvardforest.fas.harvard.edu
Peatlands are one of the world's most important ecosystems, storing approximately 30% of
all terrestrial soil carbon as peat. Rotifers living in interstitial water within Sphagnum mats …

Brachionus leydigii (Monogononta: Ploima) reported from the western basin of Lake Erie

JK Connolly, JM Watkins, CC Marshall… - Journal of Great Lakes …, 2018 - Elsevier
Several species of non-indigenous planktonic invertebrates have historically been
introduced to the Laurentian Great Lakes. Previous introductions of non-indigenous …

Alphabetical list of species with notes on synonyms, taxonomy, distribution, and ecology

LA Bledzki, JI Rybak, LA Błędzki, JI Rybak - … Crustacean Zooplankton of …, 2016 - Springer
The list presents all valid species recorded in Europe in alphabetical order, with notes on
synonyms, taxonomy, ecology, and distribution maps. Species distribution is shown by …

Organizmy planktonowe jako wskazniki trofii kanalu ujsciowego odcinka Odry

M Wolska, W Piasecki - Zeszyty Problemowe Postępów Nauk …, 2004 - agro.icm.edu.pl
W ostatnich dziesięcioleciach doszło w Zalewie Szczecińskim, do przyspieszenia procesów
eutrofizacji i wzrostu zanieczyszczeń, aw konsekwencji nasilenia się zakwitów sinic i …

[PDF][PDF] Różnorodność biologiczna zooplanktonu w zbiornikach rzeki Brdy (Mylof, Koronowo)

I Bielańska-Grajner, A Pociecha, A Bugaj-Nawrocka… - researchgate.net
Różnorodność biologiczną zooplanktonu badano w 2 sztucznych zbiornikach wodnych–
Mylof (Zapora) i Koronowski–usytuowanych na rzece Brdzie na Pojezierzu Pomorskim w …