La codificación XML/TEI de textos medievales

JM Fradejas Rueda - Memorabilia: boletín de literatura sapiencial, 2010 -
En este artículo, tras analizar el sistema de transcripción electrónico semipaleográfico del
Hispanic Seminar of Medieval Studies (HSMS) de la Universidad de Madison, diseñado …

Relational data modelling of textual corpora: The Skaldic Project and its extensions

T Wills - Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, 2015 -
Skaldic poetry is a highly complex textual phenomenon both in terms of the intricacy of the
poetry and its contextual environment. Extensible Markup Language (XML) applications …

[PDF][PDF] Linking corpus data to an excerpt-based historical dictionary

T Wills, E Johannsson, S Battista - Proceedings of the XVIII EURALEX …, 2018 -
Abstract A Dictionary of Old Norse Prose (ONP) is a digital dictionary that derives originally
from an excerpt-based index of around 750,000 citations. This paper describes recent …

Traiter les abréviations du français médiéval. Théorie de l'écriture et pratiques d'encodage

N Mazziotta - Corpus, 2008 -
Les abréviations qu'on rencontre dans les textes français médiévaux ont été décrites par les
paléographes et les philologues dans la perspective pratique de leur résolution. Elles …

Signs of the times: medieval punctuation, diplomatic encoding and rendition

E Cugliana, G Barabucci - Journal of the Text Encoding …, 2021 -
Digitally managing punctuation in the editions of medieval manuscripts is one of those
issues that initially looks like a minor detail, but later reveals itself as a tangled web of …

[PDF][PDF] Data-based Runes. Macrostudies on the Bryggen Runic Inscriptions

EM Magin - 2023 -
The work presented here sits at the intersection between runology, archaeology and Digital
Humanities. Its aim was to develop a basic model for a runological relational database (DB) …

New technologies for Old Germanic: resources and research on parallel bibles in Older Continental Western Germanic

C Chiarcos, M Sukhareva, R Mittmann, T Price… - 2014 -
We provide an overview of on-going efforts to facilitate the study of older Germanic
languages currently pursued at the Goethe-University Frankfurt, Germany. We describe …

[PDF][PDF] El‹ Libro de Apolonio›. Una edición crítica digital

M Brugger - 2021 -
El Libro de Apolonio es una obra canónica de la literatura medieval castellana, un poema
perteneciente al" mester de clerecía". Fue escrito alrededor de 1240 y nos ha llegado en un …

A multidimensional digital edition of the medieval German Marco Polo

E Cugliana - 2022 -
Some fields of study seem to never get enough: there are always new questions to be
asked, new answers to be given, old desiderata which centuries of scholarship have not …

Les Guidelines TEI à l'épreuve de la complexité textuelle et graphique médiévale

M Materni - Magnificat Cultura i Literatura Medievals, 2021 -
Les Guidelines TEI constituent aujourd'hui un standard incontournable dans le monde de
l'encodage textuel préalableà l'édition numérique. Toutefois, certains problèmes aussi bien …