Kualitas mikrobiologi daging ayam broiler di pasar tradisional Banyumanik Semarang

WM Ramadhani, I Rukmi, SN Jannah - Jurnal Biologi Tropika, 2020 - ejournal2.undip.ac.id
Broiler chicken meat is aa kind of food that is easily spoilage due to bacterial growth. The
chicken meat sold in the market could potentially become a medium of microbial growth of …

Analisis cemaran mikrobiologi pada daging ayam broiler yang beredar di pasar tradisional Kecamatan Denpasar Barat

AAD Apriyanti, IW Sudiarta… - Gema …, 2020 - ejournal.warmadewa.ac.id
Broiler chicken meat is chicken meat that is commonly consumed by the public, because it
has high nutritional value, thicker meat and is easily available in both traditional and modern …

Physical Characteristics, Moisture Content and Organoleptic Properties of Afkir Laying Hen Meat with Different Marination Durations in Pineapple Crown Extract

S Susanti, H Rizqiati, MS Adlina - Jurnal Ilmiah Sains, 2024 - ejournal.unsrat.ac.id
Afkir laying hen meat has a tough texture, making it less desirable to consumers. Pineapple
crown extract is known to improve the texture of spent laying hen meat due to its bromelain …

Detection Bacteria of Escherichia coli in Broiller Chicken in Tradisional Market Mataram City

D Febrianti, ALD Agustin… - Mandalika Veterinary …, 2022 - e-journal.undikma.ac.id
Bakteri Escherichia coli merupakan bakteri yang rentan mengkontaminasi daging ayam,
kontaminasi bakteri pada daging ayam umumnya berasal dari ruangan, peralatan, maupun …

Effect of Halal-Certified Slaughterhouses and Storage Time on Microbiology and Organoleptic Quality of Broiler Chicken Meat

I Irfan, YM Lubis, M Ryan, D Yunita… - Indonesian Journal of …, 2023 - journal.uinsgd.ac.id
Chicken slaughterhouses play an essential role in producing halal chicken. In previous
study, only nine halal-certified chicken slaughterhouses in Banda Aceh. This study …

Differences in Thawing Methods in Broiler Chicken Meat on Total Plate Count (TPC) of Bacteria

N Putri, L Lutpiatina, A Insana - Tropical …, 2024 - tropicalhealthandmedicalresearch …
Abstract Total Plate Count (TPC) determines the number of microorganisms, both bacteria
and fungi. Thawing is a step in thawing food that was previously stored frozen. This study …

Pemanfaatan Buah Patikala (Etlingera Elatior) Terhadap Kualitas Mikrobiologi Daging Ayam Afkir

ND Oktavia, I Majid… - Anoa: Journal of …, 2024 - journal3.uin-alauddin.ac.id
Patikala fruit is a local Indonesian plant that contains many secondary metabolite
compounds wich can fungtion as anti bacterials. The aim of this research is to determine the …

Analisis cemaran mikroba pada daging ayam broiler di beberapa pasar kota Ambon

IJ Liur, AD Tagueha - Agrinimal Jurnal Ilmu Ternak dan Tanaman, 2020 - ojs3.unpatti.ac.id
Daging ayam merupakan salah satu pangan yang digemari masyarakat karena memiliki
kandungan gizi yang tinggi, rasa yang enak, harga yang terjangkau juga tekstur serat yang …

Uji cemaran bakteri staphylococcus aureus pada daging ayam dan sapi yang dijual di pasar tradisional Semarang

T ARESTANTO - eprints.walisongo.ac.id
Daging merupakan salah satu produk hewan yang menjadi kebutuhan pangan pokok
bergizi bagi masyarakat Indonesia, namun daging mudah tercemar mikroba. Salah satu …

[PDF][PDF] ffects of Ozone and Ultraviolet on Physical and Oxidative Properties in Edible Coating's Chicken Breast Meat.

A Susilo, H Evanuarini… - Jurnal Ilmu dan …, 2021 - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
The effects of gaseous ozone exposure on the physical and oxidative properties were
evaluated in chicken breast fillets, which were pretreatment of gaseous ozone, ultraviolet …