(Re) Searching culture in foreign language textbooks, or the politics of hide and seek

G Canale - Language, Culture and Curriculum, 2016 - Taylor & Francis
Textbooks are curriculum artefacts that embody particular ideologies and legitimise specific
types of knowledge [Apple, MW (1982). Education and power. Boston: Routledge & Kegan …

Historical cosmologies: Epistemology and axiology in Australian secondary school history discourse

J Martin, KA Maton, ES Matruglio - 2010 - ro.uow.edu.au
This paper considers the discourse of modern history in Australian secondary schools from
the perspectives of systemic functional linguistics and social realist sociology of education …

[图书][B] Political discourse as dialogue: A Latin American perspective

A Bolívar - 2017 - taylorfrancis.com
We are witnessing the collapse of democracies in many parts of the world and a general
tendency to the resurgence of right-wing and left-wing populisms led by authoritarian …

[HTML][HTML] Géneros en la enseñanza escolar: Configuraciones de significado en clases de historia y biología desde una perspectiva multimodal

D Manghi - Revista signos, 2013 - SciELO Chile
Los géneros como configuraciones de significado con un propósito social (Martin & Rose,
2008a) en el contexto de las clases en Educación Media responden tanto a las …

Academic and professional discourse

A Bolívar, G Parodi - The Routledge handbook of Hispanic …, 2014 - taylorfrancis.com
Academic discourse (AD) is often understood as the name for a field in applied linguistics
that focuses on the language and discourse practices in the academic world, which may …

Genre organization in specialized discourse: Disciplinary variation across university textbooks

G Parodi - Discourse Studies, 2014 - journals.sagepub.com
Not many studies have focused on the analysis of the rhetorical organization of a genre and
the respective frequency of occurrence of moves and steps as they occur in a corpus across …

Critical discourse analysis and history

M Achugar - The routledge handbook of critical discourse studies, 2017 - taylorfrancis.com
" A historiographical approach to critical discourse analysis seeks to reveal the hidden
assumptions in received and naturalized historical accounts, with a particular emphasis on …

[HTML][HTML] Resultados de aprendizaje en La Araucanía: La brecha de género en el Simce y el androcentrismo en el discurso de docentes de lenguaje y matemática

MC Fernández, S Hauri - Calidad en la Educación, 2016 - SciELO Chile
Este artículo presenta los resultados de una investigación que analizó la brecha de género
en la prueba Simce de Matemática y Lectura entre los años 2006 y 2014 en estudiantes de …

[HTML][HTML] Des/legitimación de las memorias históricas: Valoración en discursos pedagógicos intermodales de enseñanza básica chilena

T Oteíza, C Pinuer - Revista signos, 2016 - SciELO Chile
En este artículo se analiza el componente valorativo intermodal incorporado en la
representación de la violación a los derechos humanos cometida por la dictadura de …

[图书][B] What to Remember What to Teach: Human Rights Violations in Chile's Recent Past and the Pedagogical Discourse of History

T Oteíza - 2023 - utpjournals.press
Text and Social Context 10.3138/text-social Text and Social Context 10.3138/
9781800504110.003 3 Official history textbooks, social memory and historicizing the …