National park protection in relation to the ecological zonation of a neighboring human community: an example from northern Peru
KR Young - Mountain Research and Development, 1993 - JSTOR
Pataz is one of several small Andean communities bordering on newly established Rio
Abiseo National Park in north-central Peru. The objective of this study was to obtain …
Abiseo National Park in north-central Peru. The objective of this study was to obtain …
Recent research on the central Andes
TN D'Altroy - Journal of Archaeological Research, 1997 - Springer
This paper reviews the rapidly changing archaeology conducted in the central Andes over
the last 5–7 years. Descriptive work remains at the core of much research. At a theoretical …
the last 5–7 years. Descriptive work remains at the core of much research. At a theoretical …
[PDF][PDF] Threats to Rio Abiseo National Park, northern Peru
S Martin - Ambio, 1994 -
In 1983, more than 274 000 ha of Peruvian wildemess were formally protected by the
establishment of Rio Abiseo National Park. The Park is unique in Latin America by …
establishment of Rio Abiseo National Park. The Park is unique in Latin America by …
Loving it to death: The Gran Pajatén predicament
WB Church - The George Wright Forum, 1999 - JSTOR
In litical, not caring developing always properly economic a high nations for and priority.
natural social preoccupied In protected reorganization Peru, the with areas search the and …
natural social preoccupied In protected reorganization Peru, the with areas search the and …
[图书][B] Wurde Amerika in der Antike entdeckt?: Karthager, Kelten und das Rätsel der Chachapoya
H Giffhorn - 2014 -
In den peruanischen Anden, in der kaum erforschten Region der rätselhaften, vor
Jahrhunderten untergegangenen Chachapoya, stießen Abenteurer auf uralte steinerne …
Jahrhunderten untergegangenen Chachapoya, stießen Abenteurer auf uralte steinerne …
[PDF][PDF] Genetic insights on old riddles: the Chachapoyas from the northeastern Peruvian cloud forests
EK Guevara - 2022 -
This dissertation focusses on the genetic diversity of the Chachapoyas in the context of
northeast Peruvian and South American populations. The genetic survey of indigenous …
northeast Peruvian and South American populations. The genetic survey of indigenous …
L'économie du monde inca. Fondements théoriques, manifestations concrètes et implications symboliques des mécanismes en vigueur à l'Horizon Tardif (1400-1533)
DJ Barreiro - 2021 -
À l'image de la mosaïque culturelle que constituait le Tahuantinsuyu, le système
économique mis en place par les Incas dans le courant du XVe siècle se caractérisait par sa …
économique mis en place par les Incas dans le courant du XVe siècle se caractérisait par sa …
C Universitario -
La dimensión de los recursos naturales abundantes hicieron de la Amazonía peruana una
región de grandes potencialidades, ambicionada desde el inicio de la colonización del …
región de grandes potencialidades, ambicionada desde el inicio de la colonización del …