A survey of computer architecture simulation techniques and tools

A Akram, L Sawalha - Ieee Access, 2019 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Computer architecture simulators play an important role in advancing computer architecture
research. With wider research directions and the increased number of simulators that have …

A modern primer on processing in memory

O Mutlu, S Ghose, J Gómez-Luna… - … computing: from devices …, 2022 - Springer
Modern computing systems are overwhelmingly designed to move data to computation. This
design choice goes directly against at least three key trends in computing that cause …

Accel-Sim: An extensible simulation framework for validated GPU modeling

M Khairy, Z Shen, TM Aamodt… - 2020 ACM/IEEE 47th …, 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In computer architecture, significant innovation frequently comes from industry. However, the
simulation tools used by industry are often not released for open use, and even when they …

Processing data where it makes sense: Enabling in-memory computation

O Mutlu, S Ghose, J Gómez-Luna… - Microprocessors and …, 2019 - Elsevier
Today's systems are overwhelmingly designed to move data to computation. This design
choice goes directly against at least three key trends in systems that cause performance …

The gem5 simulator: Version 20.0+

J Lowe-Power, AM Ahmad, A Akram, M Alian… - arXiv preprint arXiv …, 2020 - arxiv.org
The open-source and community-supported gem5 simulator is one of the most popular tools
for computer architecture research. This simulation infrastructure allows researchers to …

Co-designing accelerators and SoC interfaces using gem5-Aladdin

YS Shao, SL Xi, V Srinivasan, GY Wei… - 2016 49th Annual …, 2016 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Increasing demand for power-efficient, high-performance computing has spurred a growing
number and diversity of hardware accelerators in mobile and server Systems on Chip …

The championship simulator: Architectural simulation for education and competition

N Gober, G Chacon, L Wang, PV Gratz… - arXiv preprint arXiv …, 2022 - arxiv.org
Recent years have seen a dramatic increase in the microarchitectural complexity of
processors. This increase in complexity presents a twofold challenge for the field of …

Supporting x86-64 address translation for 100s of GPU lanes

J Power, MD Hill, DA Wood - 2014 IEEE 20th International …, 2014 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Efficient memory sharing between CPU and GPU threads can greatly expand the effective
set of GPGPU workloads. For increased programmability, this memory should be uniformly …

PiDRAM: A Holistic End-to-end FPGA-based Framework for Processing-in-DRAM

A Olgun, JG Luna, K Kanellopoulos, B Salami… - ACM Transactions on …, 2022 - dl.acm.org
Commodity DRAM-based processing-using-memory (PuM) techniques that are supported
by off-the-shelf DRAM chips present an opportunity for alleviating the data movement …

Chai: Collaborative heterogeneous applications for integrated-architectures

J Gómez-Luna, I El Hajj, LW Chang… - … Analysis of Systems …, 2017 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Heterogeneous system architectures are evolving towards tighter integration among
devices, with emerging features such as shared virtual memory, memory coherence, and …