Memancarkan Pengajaran Makna 'Habis Gelap Terbitlah Terang'Berdasarkan Efesus 5: 1-21 Dalam Diri Orang Kristen

H Hutahaean, M Mau, M Amid… - Jurnal Ilmiah Religiosity …, 2022 -
Dahulu orang-orang Efesus melakukan berbagai pelanggaran/dosa. Karena itu, rasul
Paulus dipilih Allah agar memberitakan Injil ke Efesus supaya meninggalkan dosa sesuai …

Mamon dalam Kultur Penyembahan Orang Kristen Masa Kini

F Sihite, CE Anjaya, YA Arifianto - Jurnal Teruna …, 2022 -
The pace of technological progress today is able to make the world's life so beautiful and fun
to live. Various living facilities form a complete, comfortable and enjoyable life. In this …

Sedekah Melalui Perspektif Teologi Kontekstual Joseph Harrod Dalam Merespons Kesenjangan Sosial Ekonomi

C Kurniawan, J Najoan - Vox Dei: Jurnal Teologi dan …, 2022 -
The global economic crisis has created a gap between the rich and the poor (socio-
economic gap). The decline in the spirituality of religious people is proven by their …

Konsep Ketamakan Menurut Injil Lukas 12: 13-21: Sebuah Analisis Perumpamaan Yesus

M Ruy, H Hendi - Integritas: Jurnal Teologi, 2022 -
Konsep Ketamakan Menurut Injil Lukas 12: 13-21: Sebuah Analisis Perumpamaan Yesus.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan makna ketamakan dari Perumpamaan …

Filantropi Kristen: Respons Tubuh Kristus Dalam Mengatasi Kemiskinan Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Berdasarkan Kisah Para Rasul 2: 44-45

GNR Rizaldy, KN Thayeb… - Vox Dei: Jurnal Teologi …, 2021 -
Poverty is not a new problem in the context of life in Indonesia. Ironically, the current
progress has not succeeded in overcoming this economic issue. This can be seen from the …

Pengajaran Yesus Dalam Markus 10: 17-22 Dan Implikasinya Bagi Formasi Rohani

S Budiman, R Panggarra - ILLUMINATE: Jurnal Teologi dan …, 2024 -
Abstract The story in Mark 10: 17-22 is about a young man who came to Jesus and wanted
to know how one can obtain eternal life. The problem is that nowhere does Jesus answer …

Redefining Well-being: Shifting from Material Paradigm to Dependency on Christ-A Theological Review of Luke 12: 13-21

YD Gulo, S Herman - Indonesian Journal of Christian …, 2024 -
The concept of greed and the spiritual perspective on wealth in the parable of the foolish rich
man in the Gospel of Luke 12: 13-21 is highlighted in this research, which explores the …

Gereja dan Kemandirian Finansial dalam Refleksi Teologis Matius 19: 16-26

S Djajadi - THRONOS: Jurnal Teologi Kristen, 2022 -
The Covid-19 pandemic, which is endemic throughout the world, including Indonesia, has
caused changes in people's lives. Restrictions on the movement of community activities …