Computational social science and sociology

A Edelmann, T Wolff, D Montagne… - Annual review of …, 2020 -
The integration of social science with computer science and engineering fields has
produced a new area of study: computational social science. This field applies …

Network brokerage: An integrative review and future research agenda

SW Kwon, E Rondi, DZ Levin… - Journal of …, 2020 -
Network brokerage research has grown rapidly in recent decades, spanning the boundaries
of multiple social science disciplines as well as diverse research areas within management …

The diversity–innovation paradox in science

B Hofstra, VV Kulkarni… - Proceedings of the …, 2020 - National Acad Sciences
Prior work finds a diversity paradox: Diversity breeds innovation, yet underrepresented
groups that diversify organizations have less successful careers within them. Does the …

[图书][B] The science of science

D Wang, AL Barabási - 2021 -
This is the first comprehensive overview of the'science of science,'an emerging
interdisciplinary field that relies on big data to unveil the reproducible patterns that govern …

[图书][B] How Behavior Spreads: The Science of Complex Contagions

D Centola - 2018 -
How Behavior Spreads: Page 1 International Journal of Applied Behavioral Economics
Volume 10 • Issue 1 • January-March 2021  Copyright©2021,IGIGlobal.CopyingordistributinginprintorelectronicformswithoutwrittenpermissionofIGIGlobalisprohibited …

Algorithmic management in the platform economy

D Stark, I Pais - Sociologica, 2020 -
The platform model is the distinguishing organizational form of the early decades of the
twenty-first century. Whereas actors in markets contract, hierarchies command, and networks …

The impacts of live streaming and Twitch. tv on the video game industry

MR Johnson, J Woodcock - Media, Culture & Society, 2019 -
This article explores the growing importance of live streaming, specifically on website and
platform Twitch. tv, to the games industry. We focus not on live streaming as a form of media …

Surprising combinations of research contents and contexts are related to impact and emerge with scientific outsiders from distant disciplines

F Shi, J Evans - Nature Communications, 2023 -
We investigate the degree to which impact in science and technology is associated with
surprising breakthroughs, and how those breakthroughs arise. Identifying breakthroughs …

[图书][B] Prototype politics: Technology-intensive campaigning and the data of democracy

D Kreiss - 2016 -
Given the advanced state of digital technology and social media, one would think that the
Democratic and Republican Parties would be reasonably well-matched in terms of their …

A dynamic network measure of technological change

RJ Funk, J Owen-Smith - Management science, 2017 -
This article outlines a network approach to the study of technological change. We propose
that new inventions reshape networks of interlinked technologies by shifting inventors' …