A survey of PRAM simulation techniques

TJ Harris - ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), 1994 - dl.acm.org
The Parallel Random Access Machine (PRAM) is an abstract model of parallel computation
which allows researchers to focus on the essential characteristics of a parallel architecture …

Deterministic Simulations of PRAMs on Bounded Degree Networks

KT Herley, G Bilardi - SIAM Journal on Computing, 1994 - SIAM
The problem of simulating a PRAM with n processors and memory size m\geqslantn on an n-
node bounded degree network is considered. A deterministic algorithm is presented that …

Efficient deterministic and probabilistic simulations of PRAMs on linear arrays with reconfigurable pipelined bus systems

K Li, Y Pan, SQ Zheng - The Journal of Supercomputing, 2000 - Springer
In this paper, we present deterministic and probabilistic methods for simulating PRAM
computations on linear arrays with reconfigurable pipelined bus systems (LARPBS). The …

Work-optimal simulation of PRAM models on meshes

V Leppänen, M Penttonen - Nordic Journal of Computing, 1995 - dl.acm.org
Memory access is the bottleneck in the simulation of shared memory on a distributed
memory model. We show that EREW, CREW, and CRCW PRAM models can be simulated …

Constructive deterministic PRAM simulation on a mesh-connected computer

A Pietracaprina, G Pucci, JF Sibeyn - Proceedings of the sixth annual …, 1994 - dl.acm.org
We present a constructive deterministic simulation of a PRAM with n processors and m= n α
shared variables, 1< α≤ 2, on an n-node mesh-connected computer where each node hosts …

[PDF][PDF] Deterministic P-RAM simulation with constant redundancy

SW Hornick, FP Preparata - Proceedings of the first annual ACM …, 1989 - dl.acm.org
In this paper, we show that distributing the memory of a parallel computer and, thereby,
decreasing its granularity allows a reduction in the redundancy required to achieve polylog …

[PDF][PDF] A practical constructive scheme for deterministic shared-memory access

A Pietracaprina, FP Preparata - Proceedings of the fifth annual ACM …, 1993 - dl.acm.org
We present an explicit memory organization scheme for distributing hl data items among N
memory modules where M 6@(N15-o (lt'Og~ l). Each datum is replicated into a constant …

An O (√ n)-worst-case-time solution to the granularity problem

A Pietracaprina, FP Preparata - STACS 93: 10th Annual Symposium on …, 1993 - Springer
In this paper we deal with the granularity problem, that is, the problem of implementing a
shared memory in a distributed system where n processors are connected to n memory …

Improved memory utilization in deterministic PRAM simulation

Y Aumann, A Schuster - Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 1991 - Elsevier
A scheme for deterministic simulation of the PRAM on the Module Parallel Computer or on
Bounded Degree Networks is described. The scheme requires only a constant memory …

[PDF][PDF] Space-efficient representations of shared data for parallel computers

K Herley - Proceedings of the second annual ACM symposium on …, 1990 - dl.acm.org
The problem of representing a set. tr k (2~ 1,.... II,,} of read-write variables on an n-node
distribut, ed memory pa. rallel computer is considered. It is shown that, Cr can be …