[PDF][PDF] Stanford encyclopedia of philosophy

EN Zalta, U Nodelman, C Allen… - See http://plato. stanford …, 2002 - academia.edu
After an introductory section, this article will focus on four questions: How should the Kyoto
School be defined? What is meant by its central philosophical concept of “absolute …

[HTML][HTML] Computational philosophy

P Grim, D Singer - 2020 - plato.stanford.edu
Computational philosophy is the use of mechanized computational techniques to instantiate,
extend, and amplify philosophical research. Computational philosophy is not philosophy of …

Algorithmic ethics: Formalization and verification of autonomous vehicle obligations

C Shea-Blymyer, H Abbas - ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical …, 2021 - dl.acm.org
In this article, we develop a formal framework for automatic reasoning about the obligations
of autonomous cyber-physical systems, including their social and ethical obligations …

Formal Modeling and Analysis of Legal Contracts using ContractCheck

A Khoja, M Kölbl, S Leue, R Wilhelmi - arXiv preprint arXiv:2212.03349, 2022 - arxiv.org
We describe a method and tool called\textit {ContractCheck} that allows for the consistency
analysis of legal contracts, in particular Sales Purchase Agreements (SPAs). The analysis …

Automated Consistency Analysis for Legal Contracts

A Khoja, M Kölbl, S Leue, R Wilhelmi - International Symposium on Model …, 2022 - Springer
Contracts in business life, and in particular company purchase agreements, often comprise
a large number of provisions and are correspondingly long and complex. In practice, it is …

How to Reason About the Obligations of Autonomous Systems

C Shea-Blymyer - 2024 - ir.library.oregonstate.edu
In this dissertation we investigate how to reason about an autonomous system's obligations.
In particular, we explore how to verify, elicit, and enforce rules about how a system should …

Obligations with deadlines: a formalization in Dynamic Deontic Logic

R Demolombe - Journal of Logic and Computation, 2014 - academic.oup.com
Abstract Segerberg's Dynamic Deontic Logic is a dynamic logic where among the set of all
possible histories those fulfilling the norms are distinguished. An extension of this logic to …

Applying Digital Rights Management to Corporate Information Systems

Z Su - 2012 - theses.hal.science
To fit the globalised economical environment, enterprises, and mostly SMEs, have to
develop new networked and collaborative strategies, focusing on networked value creation …

Combinaison des logiques temporelle et déontique pour la spécification de politiques de sécurité

J Brunel - 2007 - theses.fr
Pour spécifier formellement une politique de sécurité, il est naturel de raisonner d'une part
sur la notion de temps, et d'autre part sur les notions d'obligation, de permission, et …

Time is up!–norms with deadlines in action languages

M Knorr, A Gabaldon, R Gonçalves, J Leite… - … on Computational Logic …, 2013 - Springer
Action Languages are simple logical formalisms to describe the properties of a domain and
the behavior of an agent and to reason about it. They offer an elegant solution to the frame …