Review of systematic reviews in educational leadership and management: Methods used, topics explored and geographies covered

S Mertkan, S Gümüş - … Management Administration & …, 2024 -
Following the accumulation and diversification of the knowledge base in the field of
educational leadership and management, we have witnessed a boom in systematic reviews …

[HTML][HTML] Successful School Principalship: A Meta-Synthesis of 20 Years of International Case Studies

J Sun, C Day, R Zhang, H Zhang, T Huang, J Lin - Education Sciences, 2024 -
This meta-synthesis crosses international borders by analyzing successful principalship
across nine countries. With careful, detailed, systematic, and analytic synthesis, it critically …

[图书][B] School principals as leaders of educational environments in school settings: Recontextualization of American educational practices in China

W Zhang - 2023 -
Chinese principals play a significant role in recontextualizing the US principals' practices in
leading their school reform and student outcomes in Chinese social, cultural, and …

Exploring the training of school principals as educational leaders in Mexico

LE Orozco Gonzalez - Management in Education, 2023 -
The study aimed to investigate novice principals' pre-role training in educational leadership.
The research was originally intended as a mixed-methods approach; an online …

[HTML][HTML] Liderazgo educativo para la justicia social en contextos desafiantes. Casos documentados en México

SA Nava-Lara, CL Rodríguez Uribe - Páginas de Educación, 2024 -
En el contexto de entornos educativos caracterizados por una alta complejidad
socioeducativa, este estudio se propone identificar las prácticas y estrategias …

Educational Leadership for Social Justice in Challenging Contexts. Documented cases in Mexico

SA Nava-Lara, CL Rodríguez Uribe - Páginas de Educación, 2024 -
Resumen NAVA-LARA, Sergio Alberto y RODRIGUEZ URIBE, César Lorenzo. Educational
Leadership for Social Justice in Challenging Contexts. Documented cases in Mexico. Pág …

Leadership for a Better Future: School Case from Mexico

NGP Bustamante, ALR Márquez, G Mora… - How Successful Schools …, 2024 - Springer
This chapter is about a young elementary school principal in Sonora, Mexico. The town
where the school is has problems such as a migrant population, addictions, deficient public …

Rektorers yrkesskicklighet: Förståelsen av begreppet rektorers yrkesskicklighet ur ett huvudmannaperspektiv.

D Jenny - 2024 -
The purpose of the study was to describe and analyze the concept of principals' professional
skills from the accountable authority's perspecitive and to identify which leadership ideals …

[HTML][HTML] Los directores escolares exitosos en México

CT Arcadia -
¿ Sabías que los directores y directoras de escuelas de nivel básico son el grupo más
numeroso de directivos (as) en nuestro país? Sin embargo, es un segmento profesional que …

[PDF][PDF] Inserción a la función directiva en educación media superior

La reforma constitucional de 2019 reconoció a maestras y maestros, incluyendo al personal
con funciones directivas, como agentes fundamentales del proceso educativo y elementos …