Theorems on high energy collisions of elementary particles

RJ Eden - Reviews of Modern Physics, 1971 - APS
This review gives a survey of the following topics:(i) results on analyticity and asymptotic
growth that follow from axiomatic quantum field theory,(ii) bounds and inequalities involving …

[图书][B] High energy collisions of elementary particles

RJ Eden - 1967 -
Elementary particles are complicated objects, whose complexity is revealed by their
numbers and by the variety of their interactions. This book is about the high energy collisions …

The gravitational matrix

SB Giddings, RA Porto - Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and …, 2010 - APS
We investigate the hypothesized existence of an S matrix for gravity and some of its
expected general properties. We first discuss basic questions regarding the existence of …

On the tree-level structure of scattering amplitudes of massless particles

P Benincasa, E Conde - Journal of High Energy Physics, 2011 - Springer
A bstract We provide a new set of on-shell recursion relations for tree-level scattering
amplitudes, which are valid for any non-trivial theory of massless particles. In particular, we …

An amplitude analysis of πN scattering near forward directions

E Pietarinen - Nuclear Physics B, 1972 - Elsevier
An analysis of πN scattering amplitudes is performed for− 0.1 GeV 2⩾ t⩾− 0.5 GeV 2 The
resulting amplitudes have exact fixed-t analyticity and su crossing properties. They are …

Determination of the scattering amplitude from the knowledge of its modulus above threshold

R Odorico - Il Nuovo Cimento A (1965-1970), 1968 - Springer
Dispersion relations at fixed momentum transfer are presented from which the scattering
amplitude may be determined once one knows its modulus above s-and u-channel …

Phase Representation and High-Energy Behavior of the Forward Scattering Amplitude

YS Jin, SW MacDowell - Physical Review, 1965 - APS
By making use of the phase representation, the relation between the high-energy behavior
of the symmetric forward scattering amplitude F (x) and the asymptotic properties of the ratio …

Method for proof of asymptotic theorems in presence of oscillations

G Grunberg, TN Truong - Physical Review D, 1974 - APS
A simple method is derived which gives the asymptotic behavior of the forward scattering
amplitude directly on the physical cut without any restriction on the nature of oscillations …

Determination of -Wave Pion-Pion Scattering Lengths

FT Meiere, M Sugawara - Physical Review, 1967 - APS
The S-wave pion-pion scattering lengths a 0 and a 2 in the channels of total isospin 0 and 2,
respectively, are determined by requiring that the high-energy limit of the pion-pion total …

Resonance and High-Energy Limit of Scattering

M Sugawara - Physical Review Letters, 1965 - APS
While the electromagnetic field is coupled to a current with Y= 0 with a strength 137', and the
weak current is characterized by Y= 0,+ 1 and has a strength 10", this y field is coupled to a …