An efficient methodology for aspect-based sentiment analysis using BERT through refined aspect extraction
Abstract Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis (ABSA) has become a trending research domain
due to its ability to transform lives as well as the technical challenges involved in it. In this …
due to its ability to transform lives as well as the technical challenges involved in it. In this …
[PDF][PDF] Assessment of Twitter Data Clusters with Cosine-Based Validation Metrics Using Hybrid Topic Models.
NR Mohammed, M Mohammed - Ingénierie des Systèmes d Inf., 2020 -
Accepted: 17 October 2020 Text data clustering is performed for organizing the set of text
documents into the desired number of coherent and meaningful sub-clusters. Modeling the …
documents into the desired number of coherent and meaningful sub-clusters. Modeling the …
[HTML][HTML] 数据挖掘在高校信息化管理中的应用研究综述
张茜, 方睿, 韩斌 - Hans Journal of Data Mining, 2019 -
随着数据挖掘技术的不断发展, 在很多领域都取得了显著的成就. 近几年, 高校的信息化管理成为
了教育领域研究的热点, 数据挖掘技术被广泛的应用到高校信息化管理当中 …
了教育领域研究的热点, 数据挖掘技术被广泛的应用到高校信息化管理当中 …
[引用][C] Assessment of Twitter Data Clusters with Cosine-Based Validation Metrics Using Hybrid Topic Models Assessment of Twitter Data Clusters with Cosine-Based …
NR Mohammed, M Mohammed