Cumulative dissipated energy (CDE) in three Phaco-fragmentation techniques for dense cataract removal

E Fernández-Muñoz, Y Chávez-Romero… - Clinical …, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
Purpose To determine the energy expenditure in phacoemulsification surgery expressed as
cumulative dissipated energy (CDE) among the divide and conquer, ultrachopper-assisted …

Dr. Sohel Khan's prechopper and prechopping technique

SIM Khan - Indian Journal of Ophthalmology, 2024 -
The quest of every dedicated phaco surgeon is to develop skills to emulsify all forms of hard
nuclei efficiently with minimal damage to the endothelium and reducing the risk of wound …

Ultrachopper assisted prechopping for small-incision cataract surgery

RD Berrospi, A Tello, V Galvis - Ophthalmology@ Point of …, 2017 -
Purpose To describe a new technique to split rock-hard nuclei using an ultrasonic chopper
(Ultrachopper) and a prechopper, in order to perform a modified small incision manual …