[图书][B] The social fabric of cities
VM Netto - 2017 - api.taylorfrancis.com
Names: Netto, Vinicius M., author. Title: The social fabric of cities/Vinicius M. Netto.
Description: Abingdon, Oxon; New York, NY: Routledge, 2017.| Includes bibliographical …
Description: Abingdon, Oxon; New York, NY: Routledge, 2017.| Includes bibliographical …
'What is space syntax not?'Reflections on space syntax as sociospatial theory
VM Netto - Urban Design International, 2016 - Springer
Few approaches have been quite so polemical and have stirred quite so many different
responses as space syntax. This article is not an introduction to space syntax; rather it aims …
responses as space syntax. This article is not an introduction to space syntax; rather it aims …
Structure of plot systems and economic activity in cities: Linking plot types to retail and food services in London, Amsterdam and Stockholm
Plot systems (also referred to as “property”,“parcel”, or “lot”) are generally recognised as the
organisational framework of urban form that contributes to the economic performance of …
organisational framework of urban form that contributes to the economic performance of …
Social interaction and the city: the effect of space on the reduction of entropy
How can individual acts amount to coherent systems of interaction? In this paper, we attempt
to answer this key question by suggesting that there is a place for cities in the way we …
to answer this key question by suggesting that there is a place for cities in the way we …
[PDF][PDF] A network centrality-based simulation approach to model traffic volume
AB Jayasinghe - 2017 - nagaokaut.repo.nii.ac.jp
This research has been placed in a milieu where existing methods on modeling vehicular
traffic volume were hampered by data, cost and technical know-how constraints, especially …
traffic volume were hampered by data, cost and technical know-how constraints, especially …
[PDF][PDF] A cidade como resultado: consequências de escolhas arquitetônicas
VM Netto - 2016 - repositorio.ipea.gov.br
Este texto não foca nos efeitos intencionais de ações e decisões tomadas por atores
urbanos. Sobre esses, há uma crítica ampla em produção há décadas. O que este texto se …
urbanos. Sobre esses, há uma crítica ampla em produção há décadas. O que este texto se …
[PDF][PDF] Impressões digitais da urbanidade
R Krafta - Urbanidades. Rio de Janeiro: Folio Digital, 2012 - researchgate.net
A possibilidade de extensão do conceito original de urbanidade, para abarcar propriedades
e características da forma e do espaço urbanos é discutida, resultando na indicação de …
e características da forma e do espaço urbanos é discutida, resultando na indicação de …
[PDF][PDF] O que a sintaxe espacial não é
VM Netto - Arquitextos, Vitruvius. https://vitruvius. com. br/revistas …, 2013 - academia.edu
Poucas abordagens socioespaciais tem sido tão polêmicas e despertado reações tão
distintas dos estudiosos da cidade quanto a sintaxe espacial. Reações variam em um leque …
distintas dos estudiosos da cidade quanto a sintaxe espacial. Reações variam em um leque …
Cities and entropy: assessing urban sustainability as a problem of coordination
The central challenge associated with urban sustainability is that of finding means to put it
into practice (see Cohen, 2017). Even though definitions of urban sustainability may vary …
into practice (see Cohen, 2017). Even though definitions of urban sustainability may vary …
Conditions of actions in complex social–spatial systems
S Moroni, S Cozzolino - Handbook on planning and complexity, 2020 - elgaronline.com
In order to explore the role of planning in contemporary urban systems, this chapter deals
with three main issues. First, action is recognized as the core element of the city. Second, the …
with three main issues. First, action is recognized as the core element of the city. Second, the …