Exploring research on Internet-based learning: From infrastructure to interactions

JR Hill, D Wiley, LM Nelson, S Han - Handbook of research on …, 2013 - taylorfrancis.com
Internet-based technologies are expanding and changing at an exponential rate. Few
technologies have had such a global impact; further, few technologies have impacted such …

[PDF][PDF] The determinants of college student performance: The role of assessment method

A Barkley, A Ball, N Knobloch, M Woods… - NACTA …, 2004 - nactaarchives.org
The objective of this research is to explore the potential influence of assessment method on
student performance. Specifically, the research reported here used two semesters of data …

Rethinking course assessment: creating accountability with web-based tools

KJ Crippen - Journal of Science Education and Technology, 2003 - Springer
Abstract The World Wide Web (Web) offers many great tools for instructors of both distance
and traditional science courses. These interactive sites primarily provide a service, as …

Developing web-based, pedagogical content coursework for high school chemistry teachers

DW Brooks, KC Cohen, A Abuloum… - Journal of Chemical …, 2007 - ACS Publications
We report on the creation and delivery of Web-based content courses stressing content
integration for high school chemistry teachers. We make recommendations to other chemical …

The Effect of Interactive Computer Animations on Introductory Geology Students' Conceptual Understanding of Mountain Building Processes

MMA Malone - 2005 - cedar.wwu.edu
The use of computer animations to help students visualize processes they cannot observe
directly is becoming more widespread in geoscience classrooms, but few studies have …

[引用][C] Effectively Teaching with Interactive Television

TJ Hale