Komunikasi Sosial Dalam Mensosialisasikan Penetapan Kebijakan Gubernur Bali Tentang Pembatasan Timbulan Sampah Plastik Sekali Pakai
NWE Putri - Jurnal Nomosleca, 2019 - jurnal.unmer.ac.id
Bali merupakan tujuan daerah wisata maka kebersihan serta keasrian syarat mutlak dalam
pariwisata. Pemerintah provinsi Bali mengeluarkan kebijakan peraturan gubernur nomor 97 …
pariwisata. Pemerintah provinsi Bali mengeluarkan kebijakan peraturan gubernur nomor 97 …
The Inhibition and Communication Approaches of Local Languages Learning among Millennials.
Local languages which are also referred as mother tongue should be attached to every child
as individual. The re-orientation of language due to global influences should not mean …
as individual. The re-orientation of language due to global influences should not mean …
N Nagari or Village Government Communication Strategies in Improving Rural Economic Development
S Sabri, S Suhatman, N Nasfi - International Journal of Social and …, 2021 - ijosmas.org
Regional autonomy will affect the economic development of rural communities, but if it is
managed and delivered with communication and communication strategies, it will reach the …
managed and delivered with communication and communication strategies, it will reach the …
Komunikasi Persuasif Pemerintah Nagari Sungai Pua Kepada Ninik Mamak Untuk Mencapai Pembangunan Sosial dan Ekonomi
In achieving the desired social and economic development in rural areas in accordance with
the duties and functions of the nagari (village) administration in West Sumatra to rural …
the duties and functions of the nagari (village) administration in West Sumatra to rural …
Komunikasi Sosial dalam Membangun Komunikasi Umat (Kajian Makna Tradisi Ied (Lebaran) pada masyarakat Muslim di Bandar Lampung)
F Yanti - Komunika, 2019 - ejournal.radenintan.ac.id
Salah satu perangkat komunikasi sosial adalah media tradisional, di Indonesia banyak
ragam media tradisional yang masih sering digunakan masyarakat dalam menyampaikan …
ragam media tradisional yang masih sering digunakan masyarakat dalam menyampaikan …
Komunikasi Sosial Jamaah Suluk dalam Kehidupan Sosial Keagamaan di Desa Suka Datang Rejang lebong
R Thadi - Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi, 2020 - journal.iaincurup.ac.id
Tujuan penelitian ini mengetahui bagaimana komunikasi sosial jama'ah suluk tarekat
naqsyabandiayah dengan masyarakat dalam kehidupan sosial keagamaan di desa Suka …
naqsyabandiayah dengan masyarakat dalam kehidupan sosial keagamaan di desa Suka …
Literasi Media Sosial dalam Fatwa Keagamaan (Studi Deskriptif Fungsi Komunikasi Sosial Majelis Ulama Indonesia atas Fatwa KeagamaanNo. 24/2017 tentang …
SHB Wijaya - Jurnal Ilmiah Media, Public Relations, dan …, 2020 - jurnal.uns.ac.id
Social media, in addition to having a positive side, the fact also has a negative face. This can
be seen from the many cases that appear in the fact of social media such as hoax …
be seen from the many cases that appear in the fact of social media such as hoax …
Sebagian besar masyarakat di Aceh masih mengikuti tradisi turun temurun dan dipraktikkan
hingga sekarang. Di Kabupaten Nagan Raya, Provinsi Aceh, ritual bakar kemenyan di …
hingga sekarang. Di Kabupaten Nagan Raya, Provinsi Aceh, ritual bakar kemenyan di …
The Influence of Business Capital, Business Location and Working Hours on The Income of Business Actors in Mamuju District
Y Yakub, J Kamarudin - SEIKO: Journal of Management …, 2023 - journal.stieamkop.ac.id
This study aimed to analyze the impact of communication and work discipline on employee
performance at the Pangale Sub-District Office in Central Mamuju District, West Sulawesi …
performance at the Pangale Sub-District Office in Central Mamuju District, West Sulawesi …
The Influence of Communication and Work Discipline on Performance Employee of Pagale District Office, Central Mamuju Regency
A Agustang, M Ferils - SEIKO: Journal of Management & …, 2023 - journal.stieamkop.ac.id
This study aimed to analyze the impact of communication and work discipline on employee
performance at the Pangale Sub-District Office in Central Mamuju District, West Sulawesi …
performance at the Pangale Sub-District Office in Central Mamuju District, West Sulawesi …