Public transit investment and sustainable transportation: A review of studies of transit's impact on traffic congestion and air quality

J Beaudoin, YH Farzin, CYCL Lawell - Research in Transportation …, 2015 - Elsevier
In this paper we provide a framework for evaluating public transit investment, taking account
of the effects of transit investment on traffic congestion and air quality. We discuss how to …

Does traffic congestion slow the economy?

M Sweet - Journal of Planning Literature, 2011 -
Does traffic congestion negatively impact the economic growth of metropolitan areas? This
article reviews the findings of three research directions addressing this question. First …

Subways, strikes, and slowdowns: The impacts of public transit on traffic congestion

ML Anderson - American Economic Review, 2014 -
Public transit accounts for 1 percent of US passenger miles traveled but attracts strong
public support. Using a simple choice model, we predict that transit riders are likely to be …

Bicycle infrastructure and traffic congestion: Evidence from DC's Capital Bikeshare

TL Hamilton, CJ Wichman - Journal of Environmental Economics and …, 2018 - Elsevier
This study explores the impact of bicycle-sharing infrastructure on urban transportation. We
estimate a causal effect of the Capital Bikeshare on traffic congestion in the metropolitan …

[图书][B] Government failure versus market failure: Microeconomics policy research and government performance

C Winston - 2007 -
A Brookings Institution Press and American Enterprise Institute publication When should
government intervene in market activity and when is it best to let market forces take their …

Mitigating traffic congestion: The role of intelligent transportation systems

Z Cheng, MS Pang, PA Pavlou - Information Systems …, 2020 -
Despite massive investments in transportation infrastructure, traffic congestion remains a
major societal and public policy problem. Intelligent transportation systems (ITS) have been …

Market failure and government failure

M Datta-Chaudhuri - Journal of Economic Perspectives, 1990 -
For several decades a debate has been raging in development economics on the relative
virtues of the free market as opposed to state intervention, with neither side convincing the …

Congestion, road safety, and the effectiveness of public policies in urban areas

D Albalate, X Fageda - Sustainability, 2019 -
Congestion and road accidents are both considered essential challenges for sustainable
mobility in large cities, but their relationship is only partially explored by the literature. In this …

The effect of a new subway line on local air quality: A case study in Changsha

S Zheng, X Zhang, W Sun, J Wang - Transportation research part D …, 2019 - Elsevier
Public transit is viewed as a potential means to mitigate traffic congestion and its resulting air
pollution and health consequences. A recent wave of studies has emerged examining …

On the performance of the US transportation system: Caution ahead

C Winston - Journal of Economic Literature, 2013 -
Transportation is a vital sector of the US economy based on consumers', firms', and
government's enormous expenditures in money and time and on its effect on virtually all …