Thermally stable polycrystalline diamond constructions

JD Belnap, Y Fang, G Fan, PT Cariveau… - US Patent App. 12 …, 2011 - Google Patents
Thermally stable polycrystalline constructions comprise a diamond body joined with a
substrate, and may have a nonplanar interface. The construction may include an interlayer …

Highly wear resistant diamond insert with improved transition structure

NM Mourik, PT Cariveau, F Bellin, Y Fang - US Patent 8,573,330, 2013 - Google Patents
An insert for a drill bit may include a metallic carbide body; an outer layer of polycrystalline
diamond material on the outermost end of the insert, the polycrystalline diamond material …

Diamond transition layer construction with improved thickness ratio

NM Mourik, PT Cariveau, M Stewart, F Bellin… - US Patent …, 2014 - Google Patents
An insert for a drill bit may include a metallic carbide body;(60) Provisional application No.
61/232,122, filed on Aug. an outer layer of polycrystalline diamond material on the Related …

Functionally graded polycrystalline diamond insert

Y Fang, F Bellin, M Stewart, NA Mourik… - US Patent …, 2014 - Google Patents
PCD inserts comprise a PCD body having multiple FG-PCD regions with decreasing
diamond content moving from a body outer surface to a metallic substrate. The diamond …

Polycrystalline diamond material with high toughness and high wear resistance

F Bellin, Y Fang, M Stewart, NM Mourik… - US Patent …, 2013 - Google Patents
A cutting element that includes a substrate; and an outer layer of polycrystalline diamond
material disposed upon the outermost end of the cutting element, wherein the polycrystalline …

Method of forming a thermally stable diamond cutting element

PT Cariveau, RK Eyre, Y Fang - US Patent 8,758,463, 2014 - Google Patents
2008. O115421 A1 5, 2008 Sani 4,694,918 A 9, 1987 Hall 2008.0128951 A1 6/2008
Lockwood et al. 4,789,385 A 12/1988 Dyer et al. 2008. O1353. 06 A1 6/2008 Da Silva et al …

Drill bits and methods of manufacturing such drill bits

Y Burhan, GT Lockwood, J Fulencheck… - US Patent …, 2015 - Google Patents
In one aspect, an impregnated drill bit is provided having at least one insert positioned
within at least one of the plurality of blades such that the insert spans more than 75% of the …

Polycrystalline diamond material with high toughness and high wear resistance

F Bellin, Y Fang, M Stewart, NA Mourik… - US Patent …, 2016 - Google Patents
A cutting element that includes a substrate; and an outer layer of polycrystalline diamond
material disposed upon the outermost end of the cutting element, wherein the polycrystalline …

Highly wear resistant diamond insert with improved transition structure

NM Mourik, PT Cariveau, F Bellin, Y Fang - US Patent 9,470,043, 2016 - Google Patents
(57) An insert for a drill bit may include a metallic carbide body; an outer layer of
polycrystalline diamond material on the outermost end of the insert, the polycrystalline …