[HTML][HTML] Appeals to 'the public interest': How public relations and lobbying create a social license to operate

Ø Ihlen, K Raknes - Public Relations Review, 2020 - Elsevier
An organization's social license to operate depends on how it acts according to social
norms, engages with stakeholders, and meets some kind of public interest. As will be …

[HTML][HTML] Coordination quality in central government–the case of Norway

T Christensen, P Lægreid - Public Organization Review, 2020 - Springer
This article focuses on perceived coordination quality among Norwegian civil servants. It
explains how they assess the quality of coordination in their own field of work along different …

Lobbying in Scandinavia

Ø Ihlen, AS Binderkrantz, PO Öberg - 2021 - diva-portal.org
This chapter is a tour of the Scandinavian lobbying landscape providing the state of the art
for research on a contested and necessary activity. We discuss the particular context of the …

[HTML][HTML] Civil associations and interest groups in the policy-making process: Pluralisation and generalisation of interests

AN Uhre, H Rommetvedt - Interest Groups & Advocacy, 2019 - Springer
Modern societies have become more fragmented, complex and dynamic, making broad
coalitions and public support imperative to achieving lobbying success. Thus, civil …

Political parties, interest groups, and the public policy process

EH Allern, VW Hansen - Handbook on Lobbying and Public Policy, 2024 - elgaronline.com
Political parties and interest groups are alternative intermediaries and both impact public
policy outcomes in democracies (Almond and Powell 1966; Dür and De Bièvre 2007; Klüver …

Frivillige organisasjoners sivilsamfunnsrolle: påvirkningsstrategier og tilgang til politiske beslutningsfora

KH Sivesind, B Enjolras - … for forskning på …, 2022 - samfunnsforskning.brage.unit.no
Frivillige organisasjoner er viktige for demokratiet som kanaler for medborgernes påvirkning
av politiske beslutninger, men de spiller i ulik grad en slik sivilsamfunnsrolle. Tidligere …

Det samiske sivilsamfunnet i Sametinget og i samepolitikken

P Selle, K Strømsnes - Sametingsvalg: Tilhørighet, deltakelse …, 2021 - bora.uib.no
A vibrant civil society is important in a democratic system, and society's contact with,
opposition to and control of the political system is crucial for the democratic system to …

Samhandlingsreformen i helsevesenet: Statlige insentiver og kommunale virkninger

SI Nødland, H Rommetvedt - Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning, 2019 - idunn.no
Gjennom Samhandlingsreformen som ble iverksatt fra 2012, tok staten i bruk flere
økonomiske insentiver for å oppmuntre kommunene til å overta en større del av ansvaret for …

[图书][B] Party realignment in Western Europe: Electoral drivers and global constraints

M Hagevi, S Blombäck, M Demker, J Hinnfors, K Loxbo - 2022 - books.google.com
Identifying a crisis for representative democracy in Western European party systems, this
essential book studies the widening gap between political parties' ideological economic Left …

Democracy, strategic communication and lobbying

Ø Ihlen, I Lock, K Raknes - Research Handbook on Strategic …, 2022 - elgaronline.com
Efforts to influence the policy process are typically labelled as lobbying (Baumgartner et al.,
2009). Lobbying is undertaken by a host of different actors, including businesses, trade …