There's plenty of room at the Top: What will drive computer performance after Moore's law?

CE Leiserson, NC Thompson, JS Emer, BC Kuszmaul… - Science, 2020 -
BACKGROUND Improvements in computing power can claim a large share of the credit for
many of the things that we take for granted in our modern lives: cellphones that are more …

End-to-end capacities of a quantum communication network

S Pirandola - Communications Physics, 2019 -
In quantum mechanics, a fundamental law prevents quantum communications to
simultaneously achieve high rates and long distances. This limitation is well known for point …

[PDF][PDF] Network flows

RK Ahuja, TL Magnanti, JB Orlin - 1988 -
Network flows Page 1 Page 2 ^"V. ^^ Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Dewey WORKING PAPER ALFRED

[图书][B] Introduction to algorithms

TH Cormen, CE Leiserson, RL Rivest, C Stein - 2022 -
A comprehensive update of the leading algorithms text, with new material on matchings in
bipartite graphs, online algorithms, machine learning, and other topics. Some books on …

Resource-constrained project scheduling: Notation, classification, models, and methods

P Brucker, A Drexl, R Möhring, K Neumann… - European journal of …, 1999 - Elsevier
Project scheduling is concerned with single-item or small batch production where scarce
resources have to be allocated to dependent activities over time. Applications can be found …

Max flows in O (nm) time, or better

JB Orlin - Proceedings of the forty-fifth annual ACM symposium …, 2013 -
In this paper, we present improved polynomial time algorithms for the max flow problem
defined on sparse networks with n nodes and m arcs. We show how to solve the max flow …

A new approach to the maximum-flow problem

AV Goldberg, RE Tarjan - Journal of the ACM (JACM), 1988 -
All previously known efficient maximum-flow algorithms work by finding augmenting paths,
either one path at a time (as in the original Ford and Fulkerson algorithm) or all shortest …

A faster strongly polynomial minimum cost flow algorithm

J Orlin - Proceedings of the Twentieth annual ACM symposium …, 1988 -
We present a new strongly polynomial algorithm for the minimum cost flow problem, based
on a refinement of the Edmonds-Karp scaling technique. Our algorithm solves the …

[图书][B] Graphs, networks and algorithms

D Jungnickel, D Jungnickel - 2005 - Springer
XII Preface solution as efficiently as possible. Most of the problems we treat have a good
algorithmic solution, but we also show how even difficult problems can be treated (for …

A simple min-cut algorithm

M Stoer, F Wagner - Journal of the ACM (JACM), 1997 -
We present an algorithm for finding the minimum cut of an undirected edge-weighted graph.
It is simple in every respect. It has a short and compact description, is easy to implement …