[PDF][PDF] Institutional repositories: features, architecture, design and implementation technologies

AO Adewumi, NA Ikhu-Omoregbe - Journal of Computing, 2011 - core.ac.uk
Europe is the leading continent in terms of active adoption and use of Digital Libraries–
particularly Institutional Repositories (IRs). Africa has not done poorly in this area with a …

Open access initiatives in India-an evaluation

L Fernandez - Partnership: The Canadian Journal of Library …, 2006 - journal.lib.uoguelph.ca
Developing countries have embraced open access with a view to promoting visibility of
research done in these regions. Open access initiatives described in this paper are based …

Maximizing research impact through institutional and national open-access self-archiving mandates

S Harnad - Enabling Interaction and Quality: Beyond the …, 2006 - books.google.com
No research institution can afford all the journals its researchers may need, so all articles are
losing research impact (usage and citations). Articles made" Open Access,”(OA) by self …

Türkiyede Bilimsel İletişim: Bir Açık Erişim Modeli Önerisi

KL Ertürk - 2008 - acikbilim.yok.gov.tr
Bilimsel çalı? malara açık ve engelsiz eri? im fikriyle ortaya çıkan açık eri? im kavramı,
2000? li yılların son çeyreğinden itibaren bilimsel ileti? im sürecinin en çok tartı? ılan …

[PDF][PDF] Maximizing and Measuring Research Impact Through University and Research-Funder Open-Access Self-Archiving Mandates.

S Harnad, L Carr, A Swan, A Sale… - …, 2009 - archivesic.ccsd.cnrs.fr
No research institution can afford all the journals its researcers may need, so all articles are
losing research impact (usage and citations). Articles that are made “Open Access,”(OA) by …

[图书][B] Propriété intellectuelle et université

P Malissard - 2000 - books.google.com
Page 1 Collection Enseignement supérieur MARC COUTURE MARCEL DUBÉ PIERRICK
MALISSARD 70.67 TDSE TDHE energy levels atom ion (2) 10-6 hu's 10-7 0 0.5 1 2 1.5 …

[图书][B] The readiness of open access policy implementation: a case study within a Kuwaiti higher education institute

Z Allamki - 2013 - search.proquest.com
Open access (OA) policy is becoming an increasingly important element of information
management initiatives in academic institutions. The aim of this research is to explore the …

EPrints makes its mark

N Stanger, G McGregor - OCLC Systems & Services: International …, 2007 - emerald.com
Purpose–The purpose of the paper is to report on the impact and cost/benefit of
implementing three EPrints digital repositories at the University of Otago, and to encourage …

[PDF][PDF] Conclusion, appendices et références

MD de Marc Couture, P Malissard - archipel.uqam.ca
CONCLUSION Cet ouvrage a permis au lecteur de faire «le tour du jardin» de la propriété
intellectuelle en milieu universitaire. Il y aura trouvé de tout. C'est à lui qu'il revient de …

[PDF][PDF] Arthur Sale and Hélène Bosc Maximising and Measuring Research Impact

S Harnad, L Carr, A Swan - wissenschaftsmanagement.de
Open-Access Self-Archiving Mandates wissenschaftsmanagement 4• juli/august• 2009
forschungsinformation VII 37 summary No research institution can afford all the journals its …