The Caatinga: understanding the challenges

JMC Silva, LCF Barbosa, IR Leal… - Caatinga: the largest …, 2017 - Springer
The Caatinga is a well-recognized ecological region that lies in the semiarid hinterland of
northeastern Brazil and that covers 912,529 km 2. The term 'Caatinga'refers mostly to a …

Indigenous and traditional management creates and maintains the diversity of ecosystems of South American tropical savannas

MJ Ferreira, C Levis, L Chaves, CR Clement… - Frontiers in …, 2022 -
The tropical South American savannas have been occupied and manipulated by humans
since the late Pleistocene. Ecologists consider that soils, hydrology, and seasonal …

Impact of human activities on the Caatinga

JMC Silva, LCF Barbosa - Caatinga: The largest tropical dry forest region …, 2017 - Springer
Studies to date suggest that most of the native vegetation in the Caatinga has remained
relatively intact. In this chapter we have combined information from fire hotspots, roads, and …

[HTML][HTML] A floresta é o domus: a importância das evidências arqueobotânicas e arqueológicas das ocupações humanas amazônicas na transição Pleistoceno …

MP Shock, CP Moraes - Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi …, 2019 - SciELO Brasil
Este artigo discute o papel que as antigas ocupações exerceram na constituição do que se
considera como floresta amazônica, tendo como base dados arqueológicos e …

Geoarchaeology of open-air sites of the Foz do Chapecó area in the upper Uruguay river, southern Brazil

MCP Santos, P Rosina, M Carbonera, C Hatté… - Quaternary Science …, 2024 - Elsevier
This paper presents the results of the investigations that defined the formation of the
sedimentary deposits and the chronological sequence of the Foz do Chapecó …

Pre-colonial Amerindian legacies in forest composition of southern Brazil

A Pereira Cruz, ELH Giehl, C Levis, JS Machado… - PLoS …, 2020 -
Past human societies have left persistent marks on forests worldwide. However, the degree
to which pre-colonial Amerindian societies have affected forest structure is still not fully …

The human colonization of the Southeast Plains of South America: Climatic conditions, technological innovations and the peopling of Uruguay and south of Brazil

R Suárez - Quaternary International, 2017 - Elsevier
During the late Pleistocene and early Holocene, climatic, faunistic, and ecological changes
could produce social readjustments and technological innovations in human populations …

The Pre-Columbian peopling and population dispersals of South America

RC Sutter - Journal of Archaeological Research, 2021 - Springer
This paper summarizes the current archaeological, physiographic, demographic, molecular,
and bioarchaeological understanding of the initial peopling and subsequent population …

Holocene settlement, stratigraphy and chronology at the site of Uruguai 1-sector 1, Foz do Chapecó archaeological area, South Brazil

MCP Santos, M Carbonera, P Rosina… - Journal of …, 2021 - Elsevier
Uruguai 1 is a recently discovered site in the Foz do Chapecó Archaeological Area, which
contains an exceptional archaeological record, documenting the expansion of Homo …

[HTML][HTML] O Holoceno inferior ea antropogênese amazônica na longa história indígena da Amazônia oriental (Carajás, Pará, Brasil)

MP Magalhães, PGC Lima, RS Santos… - Boletim do Museu …, 2019 - SciELO Brasil
Segundo estudos recentes, a influência indígena sobre a floresta amazônica foi intensa,
diversificada e teve início com a chegada do Homem na região, nos primórdios do …