探索学习的奥秘: 我国近五年学习科学实证研究

尚俊杰, 王钰茹, 何奕霖 - 华东师范大学学报(教育科学版), 2020 - xbjk.ecnu.edu.cn
可以看到过去几年学习科学吸引了认知科学, 教育心理学, 教育技术学等多学科的研究者 …

Exploring the mysteries of learning: A review of empirical research on learning sciences in recent five years in China

S Junjie, W Yuru, H Yilin - Journal of East China Normal …, 2020 - xbjk.ecnu.edu.cn
This paper presents a comprehensive research and systematic analysis on the empirical
research literature of learning sciences in the mainland of China in the past five years. It …