Quasi-optical techniques

PF Goldsmith - Proceedings of the IEEE, 1992 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The basic theory of quasi-optical Gaussian beam propagation and beam transformation by
simple optical elements is summarized, and coupling to and between Gaussian beams is …

[图书][B] Generalized lorenz-mie theories

G Gouesbet, G Gréhan - 2011 - Springer
For a physicist, and more generally for a scientist, one of the pleasures in everyday life is to
detect exemplifying manifestations and avatars of the topic he is working on. Why do small …

Computational methods in vectorial imaging

MR Foreman, P Török - Journal of Modern Optics, 2011 - Taylor & Francis
In the search for higher resolution, modern day imaging systems frequently employ objective
lenses with a high numerical aperture. Propagation of light through such lenses introduces a …

Theory and simulation of the interaction of ultraintense laser pulses with electrons in vacuum

B Quesnel, P Mora - Physical Review E, 1998 - APS
In order to investigate ponderomotive force in the relativistic regime, the interaction of
ultraintense laser pulses with free electrons in vacuum is studied both theoretically and …

Laser and Gaussian beam propagation and transformation

J Alda - Encyclopedia of optical engineering, 2003 - api.taylorfrancis.com
The Gaussian beam is the simplest case of laser beams actually appearing in practical
optical systems. There also exist some other derived parameters, such as the Rayleigh …

Longitudinal field components for laser beams in vacuum

L Cicchitelli, H Hora, R Postle - Physical Review A, 1990 - APS
Abstract The discovery of Lax, Louisell, and Knight (LLK)[Phys. Rev. 9, 378 (1974)] that
electromagnetic beams in vacuum do have a longitudinal component can be proved …

Complex argument Hermite–Gaussian and Laguerre–Gaussian beams

E Zauderer - JOSA A, 1986 - opg.optica.org
Hermite–Gaussian and Laguerre–Gaussian beams with complex arguments of the type
introduced by Siegman [J. Opt. Soc. Am. 63, 1093 (1973)] are shown to arise naturally in …

Analyses of vector Gaussian beam propagation and the validity of paraxial and spherical approximations

CG Chen, PT Konkola, J Ferrera, RK Heilmann… - JOSA A, 2002 - opg.optica.org
The analysis of many systems in optical communications and metrology utilizing Gaussian
beams, such as free-space propagation from single-mode fibers, point diffraction …

Propagation of light beams beyond the paraxial approximation

T Takenaka, M Yokota, O Fukumitsu - JOSA A, 1985 - opg.optica.org
Light beams extending beyond the paraxial region are investigated by the correction
scheme of Lax et al.[Phys. Rev. A11, 1365 (1975)] All higher-order corrections for the …

Relevance of longitudinal fields of paraxial optical vortices

KA Forbes, D Green, GA Jones - Journal of Optics, 2021 - iopscience.iop.org
Longitudinal electromagnetic fields generally become comparable with the usually dominant
transverse components in strongly focused, non-paraxial beams. For paraxial optical vortex …