Gobierno digital y modernización de la gestión en la Municipalidad Distrital de San Bartolo 2021

AG Abarca Ayala - 2021 - repositorio.ucv.edu.pe
El objetivo del estudio fue determinar la relación entre el gobierno digital y la modernización
de la gestión en la Municipalidad Distrital de San Bartolo 2021. Partiendo de una entidad …

Evaluation of E-Budgeting Implementation in Planning Budget in Maros Regency

LQ A'yun, N Hartaman - Journal of Government and Political …, 2021 - journal.mengeja.id
Abstract Several Regional Governments then implemented E-Budgeting in the preparation
of the budget. One region that has implemented E-Budgeting in preparing regional budgets …

[PDF][PDF] Budżetowanie jako instrument zarządzania finansami–wyniki analizy bibliometrycznej

A Bagieńska - Akademia Zarządzania, 2023 - info.wiz.pb.edu.pl
Budżetowanie to instrument rachunkowości zarządczej, spójny sposób planowania działań
poszczególnych ośrodków odpowiedzialności, służący realizacji zamierzeń strategicznych …

Studi Literatur Electronic Budgeting Sebagai Peningkatan Transparansi Anggaran Pendapatan Dan Belanja Daerah (APBD)

TM Fikriyah, S Trisnaningsih - Seminar Nasional Akuntansi …, 2022 - senapan.upnjatim.ac.id
Penelitian ini menggunakan literature review dikarenakan tujuan untuk mengetahui
penerapan e-budgeting pada rencana Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Daerah (APBD) …

Territorial assets and sustainable development: A study of competitiveness in Central Java's Regencies

S Maemunah, A Prasetyo… - BIS Economics and …, 2024 - unimma.press
This research investigates the role of Regional Capital in shaping competitiveness and
development in the districts of Blora, Rembang, Jepara, Kudus and Pati, located in Central …

The Performance Achievement of Bureaucratic Reform in Bima Regency: A Perspective of Public Administration

A Arman, J Junaidin, H Haeril - Journal of Governance and …, 2024 - journal.unpacti.ac.id
This research aims to analyze the achievements of bureaucratic reform in Bima Regency,
Indonesia, with a focus on the aspects of transparency in public administration, the …

Implementation Of Web-Based Budgeting System (E-Budgeting) To Increase Accountability Of School Financial Management In Jakarta Selatan

FS Setiawati, L Indrawati, NF Suryadi… - Journal of Positive …, 2022 - journalppw.com
Implementation Of Web-Based Budgeting System (E-Budgeting) To Increase Accountability Of
School Financial Management In Jakarta Page 1 Journal of Positive School Psychology …

Local Government Innovation in Implementing Mandatory Authorities in The Health Office Central Lombok District

S Syaefullah, A Darmawan… - Eduvest-Journal of …, 2022 - eduvest.greenvest.co.id
The research objectives are; 1. To see the innovation process in the health office for health
sector affairs 2. To analyze the models/types of innovation that exist in the health office. 3. To …

Overcoming Infrastructure Challenges to Unlock Food Security in Rural Indonesia

MZ Arifin, H Sukmana - Indonesian Journal of Public Policy …, 2024 - ijppr.umsida.ac.id
Abstract General Background: Food security is a critical issue in rural areas, especially in
developing countries, where sustainable agricultural practices and government support play …

[引用][C] Principal-Agent Relations in Electronic-Based Budgeting Planning in the City of Yogyakarta

B Wicaksono, B Setiyono, H Saksono - Baltic Journal of Law & Politics, 2023