International commercial arbitration
GB Born - 2020 -
This Treatise aspires to provide a comprehensive description and analysis of the
contemporary constitutional structure, law, practice and policy of international commercial …
contemporary constitutional structure, law, practice and policy of international commercial …
[图书][B] The principles and practice of international commercial arbitration
ML Moses - 2017 -
Arbitration has become the dispute resolution method of choice in international transactions.
This book provides the reader with immediate access to understanding the world of …
This book provides the reader with immediate access to understanding the world of …
Empirically evaluating claims about investment treaty arbitration
SD Franck - NCl Rev., 2007 - HeinOnline
Investor-state dispute settlement: a scoping paper for the investment policy community
D Gaukrodger, K Gordon - 2012 -
Governments are facing an increasing number of arbitration claims by foreign investors
relating to important public policies or seeking substantial damages, and many governments …
relating to important public policies or seeking substantial damages, and many governments …
The vocation of the international arbitrator
CA Rogers - Am. U. Int'l L. Rev., 2004 - HeinOnline
International arbitrators are exceptionally talented individuals. Most speak multiple
languages. 1 They boast rich and multi-national educations from the world's most …
languages. 1 They boast rich and multi-national educations from the world's most …
Untangling the privacy paradox in arbitration
AJ Schmitz - U. Kan. L. Rev., 2005 - HeinOnline
Arbitration is private but not confidential. This is a paradox to the extent that it is seemingly
contradictory, but states a truth. Arbitration is private in that it is a closed process, but it is not …
contradictory, but states a truth. Arbitration is private in that it is a closed process, but it is not …
The diversity challenge: exploring the invisible college of international arbitration
SD Franck, J Freda, K Lavin, T Lehmann… - Colum. J. Transnat'l …, 2014 - HeinOnline
In 1977, Oscar Schachter referred to" The Invisible College of International Lawyers" to
describe the elite professional community of professors, students, government officials, civil …
describe the elite professional community of professors, students, government officials, civil …
Who decides who decides in international investment arbitration
C Giorgetti - U. Pa. J. Int'l L., 2013 - HeinOnline
The past twenty years have witnessed a dramatic rise in international adjudication, and
especially in international investment arbitration. As international investment arbitration has …
especially in international investment arbitration. As international investment arbitration has …
The nature and enforcement of investor rights under investment treaties: Do investment treaties have a bright future
SD Franck - UC Davis J. Int'l L. & Pol'y, 2005 - HeinOnline
The number of investment treaties has surged in the past decade. 1 Even now, the United
States2 and Canada3 are actively engaged in programs designed to facilitate the …
States2 and Canada3 are actively engaged in programs designed to facilitate the …
The role of international arbitrators
SD Franck - ILSA J. Int'l & Comp. L., 2005 - HeinOnline
* Assistant Professor of Law, University of Nebraska Law College. The author is grateful for
the comments of Susan Poser and Catherine Rogers in the preparation of these remarks …
the comments of Susan Poser and Catherine Rogers in the preparation of these remarks …