An analysable bus-guardian for event-triggered communication

I Broster, A Burns - RTSS 2003. 24th IEEE Real-Time Systems …, 2003 -
We present a guardian-based approach to detecting'babbling idiots', faulty nodes which
erroneously consume extra resource in an event triggered system. In general, one cannot …

Timing analysis of real-time communication under electromagnetic interference

I Broster, A Burns, G Rodriguez-Navas - Real-Time Systems, 2005 - Springer
This paper discusses aspects of dependability of real-time communication. In particular, we
consider timing behaviour under fault conditions for Controller Area Network (CAN) and the …

Overcoming babbling-idiot failures in CAN networks: A simple and effective bus guardian solution for the FlexCAN architecture

G Buja, JR Pimentel, A Zuccollo - IEEE transactions on …, 2007 -
This paper is concerned with the issue of protecting CAN networks against the
consequences of babbling-idiot faults such as unscheduled traffic generated by a faulty …

[PDF][PDF] Flexibility in dependable real-time communication

Abstract THE ROLE OF THE COMMUNICATIONS BUS is fundamental in distributed real-
time control systems. Such systems are increasingly used for critical functions in avionics …

The time-triggered system-on-chip architecture

CP Paukovits - 2008 -
The Time-Triggered System-on-Chip (TTSoC) architecture provides a component-based
design methodology, which addresses complexity management of system-on-chip designs …

[PDF][PDF] Node failure detection and membership in CANELy

J Rufino, P Veríssimo, G Arroz - 2003 International Conference on …, 2003 - Citeseer
Fault-tolerant distributed systems based on fieldbuses may benefit to a great extent from the
availability of semantically rich communication services, such as those provided by group …

[PDF][PDF] Functional-safety analysis of ASIL decomposition for redundant automotive systems

A Frigerio - 2022 -
The capabilities of the electronic system in cars have grown over the course of the years.
The limitations of mechanical systems led to the widespread introduction of Electronic …

[图书][B] Ein modellbasiertes Sicherheitskonzept für die extrakorporale Lungenunterstützung

A Stollenwerk - 2013 -
Die extrakorporale Lungenunterstützung (ECLA) als intensivmedizinische Behandlung des
akuten progressiven Lungenversagens (ARDS) wird heutzutage nur als Ultima-Ratio …

Event storms in IEC 61499 applications

D Pescha, M Horauer - 2018 Conference on Design of Circuits …, 2018 -
The event-based IEC 61499 standard was established to complement the cycle-based IEC
61131 standard for PLC applications. It focuses on the design of an application employing a …

BepiColombo—Building a robust data management subsystem utilising SpaceWire networks: Missions and applications, long paper

J Windsor, W Gasti, I Clerigo - 2016 International SpaceWire …, 2016 -
This paper presents the approach used by the BepiColombo data management subsystem
and its SpaceWire network to handle system resets following major anomalies and to ensure …