[图书][B] Currencies, capital flows and crises: A post Keynesian analysis of exchange rate determination

JT Harvey - 2009 - taylorfrancis.com
Breaking from conventional wisdom, this book provides an explanation of exchange rates
based on the premise that it is financial capital flows and not international trade that …

An integrated location, production, distribution and investment model for a multinational corporation

KS Bhutta, F Huq, G Frazier, Z Mohamed - International Journal of …, 2003 - Elsevier
We present a mixed integer linear formulation that extends published models on
multinational corporation facility location decisions by including exogenous variables such …

An integrated production-distribution model for a multi-national company operating under varying exchange rates

ZM Mohamed - International Journal of production economics, 1999 - Elsevier
Research modeling the production planning and logistics decisions for multi-national
companies (MNC's) operating under varying inflation and exchange rates is scanty …

Deviations from uncovered interest rate parity: a Post Keynesian explanation

JT Harvey - Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, 2004 - Taylor & Francis
Finding satisfactory explanations of deviations from uncovered interest rate parity (UIRP)
has proved to be a frustrating experience for Neoclassical economists. Studies have focused …

The nature of expectations in the foreign exchange market: a test of competing theories

JT Harvey - Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, 1998 - Taylor & Francis
In a 1982-83 article, Paul Davidson argues that rational expectations are a poor guide to
real-world economic behavior. He supports this contention with a number of points, relying …

Exchange rates: Volatility and misalignment in the post-Bretton Woods Era

JT Harvey - Foundations of International Economics, 2002 - taylorfrancis.com
The market for foreign currency is the largest in the world. A 1989 Bank for International
Settlements (BIS) survey concluded that the average daily value of foreign currency …

A production, distribution and investment model for a multinational company

ZM Mohamed, MA Youssef - Journal of Manufacturing Technology …, 2004 - emerald.com
Considerable research literature exists on production planning, distribution, and investment
models. In most cases they have been treated independently in an environment of low …

Currency market participants' mental model and the collapse of the dollar: 2001-2008

JT Harvey - Journal of Economic Issues, 2009 - Taylor & Francis
It is well accepted among Institutionalist and Post Keynesian scholars that portfolio
investment markets are driven by agents' expectations rather than" the fundamentals." This …

Psychological and institutional forces and the determination of exchange rates

JT Harvey - Journal of Economic Issues, 2006 - Taylor & Francis
Neoclassical economists have, by their own admission, had a terrible time explaining
foreign-currency prices (Taylor 1995a, b). Not only have they been unable to develop …

Distorsiones del Sistema Financiero Internacional: Un impuesto sobre las transacciones financieras en divisas como alternativas

JM Agüera Sirgo, JR García Arias - Revista de economía …, 2000 - buleria.unileon.es
[ES] En este trabajo, tras analizar las principales distorsiones que afectan al sistema
financiero internacional, revisamos las características fundamentales de una de las …