Beyond chemoreception: diverse tasks of soluble olfactory proteins in insects

P Pelosi, I Iovinella, J Zhu, G Wang… - Biological Reviews, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
Odorant‐binding proteins (OBPs) and chemosensory proteins (CSPs) are regarded as
carriers of pheromones and odorants in insect chemoreception. These proteins are typically …

Principles of odor coding in vertebrates and artificial chemosensory systems

I Manzini, D Schild, C Di Natale - Physiological reviews, 2022 -
The biological olfactory system is the sensory system responsible for the detection of the
chemical composition of the environment. Several attempts to mimic biological olfactory …

Plastics in the environment as potential threat to life: an overview

I Ghaffar, M Rashid, M Akmal, A Hussain - Environmental Science and …, 2022 - Springer
Plastics have become inevitable for human beings in their daily life. Million tons of plastic
waste is entering in oceans, soil, freshwater, and sediments. Invasion of plastics in different …

Sensory ecology of predator-induced phenotypic plasticity

LC Weiss - Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 2019 -
Ecological communities are organized in trophic levels that share manifold interactions
forming complex food webs. Infochemicals can further modify these interactions, eg, by …

Review of some scientific issues related to crustacean welfare

BK Diggles - ICES Journal of Marine Science, 2019 -
The scientific literature on the subject of welfare and pain in crustaceans is immature. It is
based largely on a few dubious and disputed studies done on a small number of decapod …

Chemical cues for intraspecific chemical communication and interspecific interactions in aquatic environments: applications for fisheries and aquaculture

M Kamio, H Yambe, N Fusetani - Fisheries Science, 2022 - Springer
Aquatic organisms detect chemical cues to sense the local environment, for example, to find
a mate, locate food, and identify danger. Knowledge of chemical cues can be used in …

Acidification can directly affect olfaction in marine organisms

CS Porteus, CC Roggatz, Z Velez… - Journal of …, 2021 -
In the past decade, many studies have investigated the effects of low pH/high CO2 as a
proxy for ocean acidification on olfactory-mediated behaviours of marine organisms. The …

Finding food: how marine invertebrates use chemical cues to track and select food

M Kamio, CD Derby - Natural Product Reports, 2017 -
Benthic marine invertebrates sense molecules from other organisms and use these
molecules to find and evaluate the organisms as sources of food. These processes depend …

Crustacean olfactory systems: a comparative review and a crustacean perspective on olfaction in insects

S Harzsch, J Krieger - Progress in Neurobiology, 2018 - Elsevier
Malacostracan crustaceans display a large diversity of sizes, morphs and life styles.
However, only a few representatives of decapod taxa have served as models for analyzing …

Comparison of transcriptomes from two chemosensory organs in four decapod crustaceans reveals hundreds of candidate chemoreceptor proteins

MT Kozma, H Ngo-Vu, YY Wong, NS Shukla… - PloS one, 2020 -
Crustaceans express genes for at least three classes of putative chemosensory proteins.
These are: Ionotropic Receptors (IRs), derived from the heterotetrameric ionotropic …